It is a ring made of a quarter. Specifically a 2001 New York State quarter. Erin got it for me as a birthday present, but I've been wearing it kinda as an engagement ring. I just want to get something straight: women wear such rings on their left ring finger, right? This is the same for wedding bands, right? Don't men wear the latter on their right? If so, then a man should wear an engagement ring on his right, no?
I've never worn a ring before, so it's been taking a little getting used to. Isn't there a point when you are no longer aware of it? I take it off while drying my hands to dry under it. I don't wear it to bed, TKD, or to shower. Are any of these strange?
Can you actually see any of the details of the ring in this photo? What about if you load the full-size image by clicking on it here and then clicking on it again when you get to the slightly bigger version?
Can you believe I'm asking so many questions?