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Oct 27, 2005 02:04

it's about 2 am and i'm taking a mental breath of fresh air whoooooooooooooooooooo, in a break between my enst paper and a bio one i'm about to start - not to worry is a sparse outline that just has to be beefed in hahahaha beefed up, or filled in or whatever, my mind is jaaaaaaaaaaaaaabering on a caffeine rush, and it's rather amusing how i feel so totally alert but everything i think or write doesn't seem to be all that coherent. i think my enst paper is rather good, but it may be the kind of good that i wake up in the morning and decree a flagrant piece of craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. whaaaaatever. so monday night i slept about 2 hours, walked back from the librrrary at 3 by myself and the scary part is that i was totally not scared, it was rather invigorating. yesterday i went back to my room at 2:30 and today, well who knows, but it's my last late night of the week. so, speaking of mental fresh air, i have a story to share from the deep delicious depths of the fluffy part of my mind that still awake...when i was in middle school, my sister was really young, maybe about 2 years old. my mom had this code, when she was about to go run errands and didn't want little siblingsees to tag along she'd say "i'm going out for some fresh air" She'd often come back with a treat, most most most often doughnuts because we loved the sugary crusty not good for you deliciousness. Over the course of i don't know how long, this happened i don't know how many times, but anyways, one day, my mom is going grocery shopping and she takes my sister along. In the style of terrible twos kids, my sister starts whining for "fresh air" i want fes aaaaaaair, my mom of course had no idea what she was talking about, there's fresh air all around she replied, just breathe it in, and my sister just kept asking for fresh air, fresh air, fresh air, in utter confusion and frustration my mom could not fulfill my sister's request. finally, amena offers to help my mom find the fresh air, and leads her to the donut section...thus donuts in her little mind = fresh air
and that is the end of my pointless rambling, the caffeing buzz is dulling and i need to go write my paper, yaaaaaaaaaaay, hoooooooooraaaaaaaaaay, no waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
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