It's Christmas Time in S.O.!

Dec 16, 2005 18:46

So many pretty pictures with so many pretty people to post.

Last Saturday was the Alpha Phi Christmas Party. It was good times on 65 Ward. Everyone dressed up, drank their faces off, and got ready for the holiday season. It was pretty much the last hoorah before finals.

Enjoy yourself. Because we did.

What is any photo-session without a wifey pic?!

Three pretty ladies with the newest additions.

I love these two ladies.

I think we were kissing everything and everyone.

We needed a new pose. We were tired of the same old roomie pic. (Fope, get your shocker out of here)

BEAR! Apparently i'm having his bastard love-child...whoops!

My best friends who love to rag on me. Bitches. :-p

Merry Christmas!


Two lovely hostesses with the mostesses.


Stone and NE.

My lovely.


Merry Christmas!!

My peahead wasn't at the party :(. She was missedish...tonsish!

So tomorrow I will return to New Egypt with one semester finished. I feel good about things..and I can't wait to do nothing for three weeks. except work and hang out with all my lovely new egyptians.

Merry Christmas!!
<3 CK
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