So i went home for a good five days last week...and I had the most amazing time. the first couple of times i came home i admit that it was okay but i was always ready to go back to school...coming back Monday morning was sort of depressing. Not only did I have the best time with everyone in NE, i have so much work to do these next couple of weeks that i really just want to crawl into my bed and stay there until Dec 16. when i go home again. anyhooooo...besides the work SHU is still fantastic.
it was so good to see EVERYONE together...enjoying each like we did before the drama.
i got my digital camera back!!! lucky forrr youuu guys, and lucky for me! :)
ooo last night, odonnkb grew the biggest pair i've ever seen in my wholeeeee life.
i was so proud of her for sticking up for herself. that's my roomie...
she says she can be a pushover...but i dont believe her.
friday i might go see the tree in NY for the first time ever...i'm really excited. hopefully we get our act together and really go. i think it'd be beautiful. it might make me feel a little like "aww, it'd be cute to have a boy for christmas."...but i'm sure i'll get over that feeling real quick.
i never write any good, meaningful entries anymore. i used to write some good stuff...but now i just recap and slap some pictures up here. one day i'll get it back...
sooo pictures:
^Stole that from Stacey...It's my Favorite.
^SoBo's Finest
Depend On Us!
Scenerio May Be My New Favorite Game
The Wifeys.
Left-Handed, September Babiesssss
Me and Steph - She was quite the character this night! I loved it! :)
:-D. Two of my favorites.
I missed hanging out with her.
Note to heather: If you don't like, let me know..i'll take it down! :)
My boys!
My girl!
Some of NE's finest ladies
pick your friends nose!
Glad you're okay kid!
My Best Friend
There's so many more where that came from: THERE!
I live in the best of both worlds.
<3 CLK.