quiz time. . .. you should do it 2

Nov 28, 2004 16:05

-do you bite your nails: someitmes
-can you roll your tongue: i don know
-can you blow smoke rings: nope,never tried
-can you blow spit bubbles: um. . .no
-can you cross your eyes: yup!
-tattoos and where: not @ the moment
-do you make your bed daily: no
-what's sexiest on a guy: their body
-what's sexiest on a girl: um..... . .lol!
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: dpeneds
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: mis manos
-do you cook: yea someitmes :)

-how often do you brush your teeth: everyday
-do you shower/bathe: shower
-how long do these showers last: 15-20 minutes
-hair drying method: blow dry
-do you pee in the shower: nope, dats nasty
-what color is your bedroom:purple
-do you use an alarm clock: yup!
-name four things or people you're obsessed with:
4.nelly! hehe. . .

-what's your sleeping position: right side, all snuggled up
-what kind of bed do you like: what?
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah i start with 1 but cant say i end w/ 1
-do you sleepwalk: only once
-do you talk in your sleep: sometimes
-how about the light on: in the dark
-do you fall asleep with the TV or radio:sometimes the radio


had sex: nope
watched bambi: i dont even remember watching it
cried: havent resently but i think its time ...
talked on the phone: like 3o min. ago
read a book: gossip grls


is music important to you: yup! !
do you sing: yea not good but i do
what instruments do you play: none
what do you think of Eminem: hes w/e


pop music: sometimes
punk music: sometimes
rap music: yea
country: defenitely not
jazz: nope
classical: no
new age: wats that?
hardcore: no,gives me a headache lol
indie rock: wats that?
emo: que?

What do you notice first? hair & eyes
Easiest to talk to: dont get it

Could you live without the computer?: hell no!
What's your favorite fruit?: green apples and strawberry
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: emotional
Trust others way too easily? depends who

Of times you have had your heart broken?: once
Of hearts you have broken?: um ya i dont know
of drugs taken illegally?: none
Of tight friends?: i cant count them with 1 hand
Of CD's owned: a lot
Of scars on my body?: 2 many. . .. included the huge bruise on my arm ~thanks 2nd hour ~


I know: i need to get my nails done
I want: a boyfriend
I have: a cat
I wish: i had a had a car and could drive
I hate: ms.cherin
I miss: 2 many things. . .. :(
I fear: my parents
I hear: chingy on teh radio
I love: my friends and family
I care: about my friend and family
I always: eat
I dance: not alot. ..
I cry: barely ever but it helps
I write: only in school or to feel better
I confuse: lots of people. .lol!
I can usually be found: @ the cell
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: ummmm. . .. lol!

-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: no
Druggie: no
Gang member: nope
Daydreamer: YES
Alcoholic: um. . .lol
Freak: ?
Brat: thats wat people say
Sarcastic: yeah
Goody-goody: sometimes
Angel: sometimes. . but always to parents
Devil: sometimes
Friend: always
Shy: kinda
Adventurous: sometimes
Intelligent: yea hello! lol


Your best feature [personality]: people laugh alot with me,but i dont always do it on purpose. . hehe!
Most annoying thing you do:a complain alot
Biggest mistake you've made this far: some of the actiosn i have made towards some stuff
Describe your personality in one word: idk
A smell that makes you smile: the mens collogne(cant spell!) from victoria secret
A city you'd like to visit:NY but i went there this past summer
A drink you order most often: coke
The music you prefer while alone:slow jams
A TV show you watch regularly: the oc,growing up gotti
You live in: miramar
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