whats going on in my life?
classes are incredibly easy. It's mostly a joke.
Basketball is good. & Tennis is soon.
I really want a parking pass.
Valentines Day aka singles awareness day is next week.
This weekend is going to be good.
as is next weekend :).
the cruise is right after that.
I'm trying to avoid drama for the most part.
so I'm staying away from boys & bitch girls.
yeah nothing changes.
work& more work.
5-9 today.
but I think im quitting there in 3 weeks, so uhh if you know a place that is heiring that doesnt SUCK. inform me.
ohh & the other day, I was in a really good mood after school. so good that I decided to throw my car keys up into the air. and I "forgot" to catch them.
it was in a MILLION pieces.
thank god for gorilla glue.
brilliant I know.
this stuff takes over my life.
& finally. this couch which is old and ugly.
but I still love it.
is dying on me.
ohh & these boys start valentines days as well.