May 16, 2003 12:09
lmao, so me and kyle had an appointment to go to yesterday, and he tried so hard to get out of going, it was so funny... he's all "but don't you want to see the matrix" and all this shit, trying to get out of it, cuz he knew he was in trouble. but actually it wasn't that bad. i mean, it happened almost a week ago, and i'm not really that mad about it anymore. i'm not gonna trust him for a while, but it's all good.... we are going out this weekend, gonna do something... i can't wait till i'm 21, and we can actually go do cool shit, instead of being like "ok do you think i can get in, or will they card me" we can just go. alright, well i gotta run, take a shower and shit so i can look all nice and pretty when he gets home...