Another Fic Rec

Mar 18, 2007 04:38

Okay, here I go again. I know, I should be sleeping, but my cat gave me a heart attack earlier and I can't seem to relax now. So I finished one of the stories I'm reading.

Title: The Sacrifice Series
Author: Voracity
Fandom: BtVS/HP, other than bits, all in the HPverse
Pairings: Alexander(Xander)/Draco
Rating: R for swearing in the first several bits, NC-17 in some later on
Warnings: Some bits are really dark. Mentions of child abuse (read torture). Some death and mayhem. Angst galore, but kinda a good kind. Um, more but I'm sure what at the moment
Summary: (From the first chapter) - A needed sacrifice of one Scooby changes two worlds for the better. A fairly dark Xander but one who knows his limits. R to be safe for much swearing.
XD Summary: Someone did a fic search for this on one of the mailing list I'm on and I decided to go read cuz it look interesting. And it is. Not a nice happy fluffy story for the most part, though there are some bits of that in there. A very dark Xander, still a knight for the helpless, but not the icon of purity a lot of stories try to make him. Very much not the BtVS Xander, and that is a warning to those reading. Parts are hilarious, some really sad and others make me want to dive into that world so I can torture/maim/kill some people. (Parts really pissed me off, I really don't like child abuse). The abuse is mentioned, but none really in detail, all of it in the past and nothing majorly squicky in detail.

*Note: While it is a crossover fic, it doesn't read like one, so if you read it looking for the BtVS influence, it's not there. Other than a few spots, it's firmly in the HPverse other than one majorly recurring character. Some others pop in, but only the one really stays. Go read if it's your cup of tea, or you want something new. It's a really good story (at least I think so)


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