Fic: Excerpt from The Halcyon Myth

Apr 20, 2011 20:12

I'm bored, I'm sick and I'm spacey, so I'm posting this little bit. Not beta'd, not even proof read. It is for my 6x6 challenge card though. It's the continuation of this. The whole thing is going to be called The Halcyon Myth.

Challenge: 22.Come and listen you fellows, so young and so fine, And seek not your fortune in the dark, dreary mines. It will form as a habit and seep in your soul, 'Till the stream of your blood is as black as the coal.
It's dark as a dungeon and damp as the dew, Where danger is double and leasures are few, Where the rain never falls and the sun never shines It's dark as a dungeon way down in the mine

Characters: Xander/OMC, past Xander/Angel, OMC/OMC, OFC
Rating: G
Warning: None

The air was hot, the sun beating down on them relentlessly. Tai swiped a hand over his face, wiping away the accumlation of sweat that just popped back up. It had never occured to him that other planets could get this hot. Intellecutlally, he knew, he had read about the climates on other planets while in school, but books do nothing to prepare for reality. The cool, calm weather of his home was months in the past and since then Tai had survived a snowstorm, two hurricanes (and wasn't that fun to learn about), and now this hot hellhole. And he had no one to blame except himself and the strange feeling of guilt and grief that seemed to flow out of the cosmos and surround him occasionally.

Sighing, he trudged along behind the Cruiser's captain, listening to the man communicate with the first mate still on the ship. The two men were talking about the upcoming trade that those on the planet's surface was heading toward. Their cargo followed behind them on three strange creatures that humped backs and long necks. Tai didn't like the smelly creatues which was unfortunate snce his task was to watch over the cargo and the beasts. As he walked along a surge of pain and grief enveloped him, nearly driving him to his knees. He stumbled, catching himself on the harness of the nearest beast, causing the animal to make a low moaning sound. The captain looked back at the noise and hurried back, grabbing Tai around the waist and helping him stay standing.

"So soon?" the older man asked, letting Tai lean against him. "They are coming closer together."

Tai nodded. When he signed on to the Cruiser, he thought it would be prudent to inform the captain about his strange affliction, just in case something happened at an inopportune moment. At first he thought the older man would deny his commision but both the Captian and the First Mate just smiled and brought him on, helping him through the episodes.

"I think I might be getting close," Tai whispered, sagging as the feelings left him.

"Close to what?"

"What or who," the young man sighed. "I don't know." He found the strength to stand on his own, smiling his thanks at his captain and friend. "I don't know what I'm heading toward, but I'm definitely getting closer."

"Maybe we'll search after we finish this trade," the captain said, smiling down at Tai before starting back in the direction of the settlement they were deading toward.

Tai smiled ruefully and followed, prompting the beasts into moving again.


He was tired, body aching and mind numb. He had been wandering again, not willing to tie himself to anyone or anything, just drifting through space like some lost creature. The simple act of living had begun to drag on him and there was no end in sight. Life had become so painful that he had even stopped looking for Angel. Helian, Master of the House Aureli, had to have known that Angel would never be found. He had only given into to Spike's plea to make the pain worse. After all, why go for the kill when you can go for the hurt.


"Everything going well, Tai?" Erna, the First Mate, asked, stopping the young man walking up the ramp.

"I'm fine," Tai answered with smile. "As I told Captain, I think whatever is calling to me is getting closer."

"Really?" Erna said with shock. He blinked and then grinned. "Do you know what it is yet?"

Tai shook his head. "Not yet, but I'm starting to think it's someone not something."

"Someone?" Erna's grin turned to a leer. "I wonder..."

"Perv," Tai laughed, slipping past the older man.

"Captain likes me this way," the First Mate said over his shoulder.

Shaking his head, Tai headed to his bunk. Now that their trading was over he was at loose ends until they lifted off again. As he walked through the halls to his bunk he could hear Sal, the Navigation Officer singing as she plotted their next course.

"It's dark as a dungeon and damp as the dew, Where danger is double and leasures are few, Where the rain never falls and the sun never shines It's dark as a dungeon way down in the mine," she sang, her voice soft and sweet, echoing down the corridors.

Tai didn't know where Sal had learned all the old Earth songs, but she sang them often, ringing through the halls. There were songs of mines and coal, of love and life, of death and decay, all sung sweetly. The singing had worried him at first, until Erna had explained that Sal sang to keep herself focused while she worked. When he asked her about it, she had smiled widely at him, eyes shining and said her mind like to wander.

Slipping into his bunkroom, Tai stripped off his sweat drenched clothing and jumped into the sonic shower, letting the waves of energy sweep sweat and dirt from his skin. Standing beneath the waves of blue and red, he thought about how strong his episode had been. He had never felt the emotions that strongly before. When the shower shut off he left the small shower stall and walked naked toward the bed, flopping down on the flat surface. Lying there he thought back, considering all the episodes. Over the years they seemed to waver in strength, which had led him to the original thought that who or whatever was responsible for them was always on the move. Now, he was closer than he had ever been to finally find the cause and all he could feel was waves of fear.

With a sigh, Tai flipped over and forced himself into slumber.

that's all for now

fic: halcyon myth, new stories, randomness, 6x6

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