Updates, rambling and reccing

Apr 01, 2011 04:17

My Future Imperfect muses are being petty and not writing, so for the next little while you won't be getting FI updates. Instead, i'm going to try and complete my 6x6 card Challenge. I've neglected this majorly (sorry to all who supplied the prompts) and want to get it completed. Most of the fics will be smut. Nearly all will be smut since I'm in a porn mood. Some might be het smut, some might be bi smut, a lot will be gay smut since I write that mostly. I have no clue how often these will be posted since I have family visiting next week and have a whole lot of shit to get done, but I will do my best to get some out in the next few days.

In other news, How the hell did I only now read Good Omens by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman? Really people, I should have read that years ago. Finished it earlier tonight (only started it like a day ago or so) and laughed my ass off. It is now on my list of favourite books forever!

I think that's all for now. Buh bye!

recs, update, updates

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