TMI, Whining, Rambling and Updates

Jan 01, 2011 20:19

So I rang in the New Year with stomach problems, spent a good portion of the night on the toilet. And my stomach's still upset which meant I didn't eat much tonight. Feel like crap, no pun intended.

Didn't manage to sleep until about 11am. When I did fall asleep it was more of a pass out. Normally I sorta remember the transition from awake to sleep but not today. Today there was thinking about the fics I'm working on and next thing I know my cell is ringing cuz my 'rents are out and wanted me to turn the oven down (we have a holiday dinner on New Years every year). Seriously, there was nothing in between. So very disturbing.

I've been working on my fics. The next chapter of Future Imperfect is under way, and I've already started on Masquerade which won't be posted until there's several chapters done, if not all.

I'm also taking part in JanNoWriMo this year. My goal is only 25k which I'm fairly certain I can manage. I've already got 2k done *jumps for joy*. I'm working on an original fic for it, and it was the finishing of my NaNo fic, but the bunnies bit me after a dream I had on the way to my family's place over the holidays. So BloodMoon has been put on the backburner (sorta, I'm still working on it) and Symmetry in Shadows is currently under construction (Title from Say You'll Haunt Me by Stone Sour). And yes, I do have a bit of a fasination with shadows.

Okay, I think I'm done rambling for now and am going to hit my bed early. I'm hoping to have the next chapter of FI up for the weekend, but no promises, the muses are being a bit picky about this chapter for some reason. And the smut!fairy wants more smut :D

rambling, real life, updates

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