
Oct 01, 2010 07:19

First off: I fucking hurt! My leg is killing me, my arm aches and I want to bite something. *sigh* I go back to the specialist in two weeks, hopefully he'll know what wrong. I'm tired of hurting

Second: I don't think I've mentioned it, but I quit the Kink BB. I couldn't finish it in time for the first draft/ half thingie they wanted. I'm still writing it and it'll be posted once it's mostly finished. And those wanting to do a first read on it, I haven't foregotten you, once I get a few chapters done I'll send them on.

Third: NaNo's coming! Yay! Just a month left! I'm writing two fics for it. One's an original fic that's been in my head for years. The other is SiS:FI. That's the sequel to SiS:OSAS. Crazy, I know.

Fourth: I've set up my dreamwidth journal for my original fic only, so you wont' be seeing it here. It'll also be flocked just in case. If you a have a DW account, friend me and if I know you (not friending strangers) I'll friend back. If you don't have one and want one, I have some codes I think. I'll check. Let me know.

Fifth: I've decided to leave Master where it's at. No the 'verse isn't finished but this part of it is. The next part is in the work, it'll be longer and an actual whole fic instead of the jumping around the first part did. It'll also heavily feature Ethan Rayne 'cuz i adore him :D

Sixth: Some of my fics are going on hiatus. I'll be posting a list later. I know so of you wanted more of them but the muses have wandered off and I can't get them back. Also, with others, like BiM, the 'verse has changed some and I'm trying to work out some kinks in before I post them. And in other, like DoD, I've decided to re-write it, so I'll be leaving it up but posting the reworked parts later. I don't know when, but later.

Seventh: I'm going to be redoing my tags so don't panic when they disappear. I've decided to organzie them a bit. They're a bit messy right now.

Eighth: I don't think there is one.... *checks over list* Nope, that's it for now. *waves* Okay, lady, buh bye!

Using Cougar icon 'cuz he's just too cute!


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