Fic: Excerpt from my kink_bigbang

Aug 21, 2010 19:47

The country of Kalderdash was in mid-celebration. Ever corner of the kingdom was decorated and food and wine ran freely. After all, it wasn't often the crown prince reached his twenty fifth year healthy and happy.

Gifts poured in from every loyal subject for Prince Angelus. The number had grown to the point a separate building had to be quickly erected to house them. The few living presents were dealt with accordingly. Nubile young women were send back tot heir homes, unless they had a needed skill, with a note of thanks that reminded the gifter of the prince's preferences. Virile young men were either sent to the harem of the guard depending on how the prince reacted to them. Animals of all sorts were sent to the various farms. All except a small wild cat that had caught Princes Angelus' eye. The young cat he named Doyle and it followed him everywhere with the Royal Estate. And those were only the gifts from the common people. The final night of the celebration was set aside for the nobility of the land to present their gifts in person.

"You're not pleased with your gifts?" Queen Darla asked, slanting an amused look at her son.

Crown Prince Angelus slumped a bit more in his seat as the next wave of exotic gifts were brought forth. "It's all the same," he replied dryly. "None of these people have an ounce of imagination. Half these gifts are similar to ones I received last year."

"True," the queen nodded, smiling politely at the current minor lord presenting his tribute. "But you could at least pretend."

"Why bother?" Angelus sneered. "They all know what I'm like anyway."

"Images should still be preserved," she chided, doing her best to look the part of a loving mother while seething at her son's insolence. "Sit up, Angelus."

Straightening, he glared at the newest sycophant trembling before the throne. "Happier now, Mother?"

"Behave, Angelus," she snapped. "There's only a bit more."

He groaned and tried to pay attention to the items laid out before him. He hadn't been lying when he said nothing was new. Exotic to the lords of Kalderdash was very different than exotic to him. Supposedly rare spices and strange fabrics had all been seen before. Sometimes he despaired for his country.

Bored with the procession of unimaginative gifts, he began to wonder about the nobility. Did they have contests to see who brought him the best gift? Perhaps even keeping score? He could imagine it based on his reactions to the gifts. Him keeping one would obviously be the highest point. Giving them away would be a mid-range point. Especially if he gave it to someone of importance, another noble or royalty. Re-gifting was often fun that way. Of course, sending back the gift would be a lower point due to the fact the giver had no clue about Angelus' nature. And if he threw away the gift, then that would be the negative points. Definitely negative.

He barely kept from jumping as his mother subtly reached over and pinched him hard.

"Pay attention," she hissed, barely moving her lips, her expression still gracious as ever.

"I am," he protested, glaring at her a bit.

"Here's something new," the queen murmured, distracted as the latest lord paraded his present past the throne.

Was that enough for you? Those who volunteered to read, I'll be sending you more soon. Everyone else will just have to wait *veg*

ats, teaser, kinkbigbang, btvs, taingthemuse

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