Fic: Master Part Seven B

Jul 10, 2010 00:56

And Finally! More Smut!

Title: Master Part Seven B
Author: xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairings: S/X/A, B/R, T/W, Giles , and if the last chapter didn't tell you: Angel/Riley, Spike/Riley, and a bit of S/X/R/A
Rating: NC-17
Prompt/Challenge: Tuvalu
Warnings: SEX! SMUT! And a lot of PWP!
Disclaimer: The people and places of BtVS do not belong to me I am just using them for my own amusement. No money being made and no offense intended.
A/N: Once again, plot is out the door and porn rules.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three| Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven A

The warmth of the body beneath him drew Angel's attention as he spoke the final word of the first part of the spell. Holding onto his control he reached over Xander for the knife and chalice. Xander took the chalice from him and held it steady as he drew the blade across his forearm and let the blood drip down into the waiting receptacle. Motioning for Spike, Angel made a quick slice on the younger vampire's arm and added his blood to the mix. He then reached down and pulled Riley up enough to cut his arm as well and let the blood collect in the chalice. Letting Riley lay back down, Angel handed Spike the knife and shook his head fondly as the blond licked the mixed blood of the blade with an expression of pleasure.

Angel smiled gently down at Riley as he bent down and captured the other man's lips in a soft kiss. He moaned at the taste of the man's mouth. There was the half-remembered taste of Buffy and underneath was the taste that was pure Riley. It was similar to Xander's, an almost wild flavour like some half feral animal. It made him wonder.

Nipping at Riley's lips, Angel coaxed him into a deeper kiss, letting the lust spell work on them both. He could feel Riley moving beneath him, seeking touch and friction. So he gave it to him. Starting at Riley's neck, Angel set up a trail of open mouth kisses, leaving damp spots on the flushed skin. He scraped his teeth over pebbled nipples, smirking as Riley moaned but remembered to not speak. Next Angel left a series of biting kisses down Riley's chest and over his stomach, the red marks fading quickly. He skipped the now straining flesh between the ex-Ranger's legs and nuzzled the lightly haired sack instead. A glance up showed Riley biting his lip to keep silent as Angel teased him.

Taking mercy on the needy man, Angel reached out a hand and smiled in thanks when Spike dropped a bottle of lube into it. He coated two fingers and trailed them over the hard cock, across the full sack and below to his waiting target. Pressing gently with one finger, he eased into the tight hole. Below him, Riley tensed, hands reaching out to grab at Xander and Spike. When Riley opened his mouth Spike dove forward and sealed their lips together, blocking any words he might have said. Angel sighed in relief and went back to opening the man's body to him.

He worked the first finger in the snug passage, twisting and thrusting until it moved with ease and then pressed the second in along side. Angel could hear Riley grunt into the ravenous kiss and licked a stripe up the slightly wilted erection to distract him. It didn't take much until that length of flesh was hard again and Riley began to push back against the fingers currently nestled in his body. When Angel pushed a third finger in Riley moaned into Spike's mouth. The dark vampire glanced up and moaned softly himself at the picture his annoying grandChilde and his ex-lover's new lover made. Off to the side Xander whimpered. Angel looked over to watch as his consort slowly stroked himself, one hand still holding the chalice. Another glance at Spike confirmed that the blonde was thrusting absently against Riley's hip. It was time to move on. Moving up, he pushed Spike until the other vampire released Riley's lips then began the next part of the spell.

"Riley? If you are still willing, speak after me," Angel commanded softly. "I, Riley Finn, declare myself to belong body, heart, soul and mind to Angelus of the Aurelius clan as well as to William, Childe of Drusilla, beloved of the Aurelius clan."


Riley repeated the words, his voice shaking. He felt like his body was too small, too tight and there was something straining to get out. Or maybe get in. And he could now feel the magic in the air, settling against his flesh like a caress. He gasped as he felt something press against his hole, spreading the tender flesh farther than Angel's fingers had. Panting through the sharp stab of pain, he grabbed onto Angel's shoulders and held on as the other man pressed deeper into his body.

Each move Angel made was almost too much and Riley sobbed as the pain mutated into pleasure that burned through his veins. The telltale signs of the end built up quickly and just before he overloaded Angel stuck, sinking fang as deep as cock. Riley screamed and came, shuddering uncontrollably under Angel's heavier frame. As he panted in reaction the edge of the cup Xander held was pressed to his mouth. Automatically he swallowed a mouthful of the liquid, shivering as the magic began to work through him. Angel brushed a soft kiss over Riley's lips before moving off to the side.

"My turn," Spike grinned.


Angel analyzed the new spot in his mind that screamed Rileyas Spike continued on binding the mortal to him. The new bond was weaker than the feeling of Spike or Xander. Still it was stronger than the faint echo of Dru, their bond stretched by time and the fact she was currently living with a new chaos demon in Tuvalu. From it he could feel Riley's need and fear, the two emotions blending together to make a lovely fusion that egged his demon on.

The sounds Riley made as Spike plundered his body made Angel turn to watch. It didn't take long for the other vampire to bring Riley back to the brink of orgasm. Spike placed his own mark just below Angel's, as was proper. Again, Xander pressed the chalice to Riley's lips, coaxing him to drink.

"Xander," Angel said softly.

Xander nodded. "I, Alexander, Consort of the Master Angelus, accept Riley Finn as bonded to my Lord and Mate." He prompted Riley to drink one last time then set the chalice on the table.

The magic flashed and Angel felt the bond settle, humming contentedly in the back of his mind. Looking up, Angel noticed Xander watching him, a question looming large in his eyes. Angel knew Xander well enough now to know what his young mate was asking and nodded. A quick smile flicked over Xander's face before he nudged Spike out of the way. With hands and mouth, Xander quickly went about bringing Riley back up to full hardness and then did what the other man never expected. Angel smirked at the look of shock on Riley's face as Xander moved up and settled over his hips, taking the hard cock deep and fast. With the lust spell still echoing through the air it didn't take much for either of them to come and he blinked in surprise when the feeling of the bond between him and Riley strengthened.

Shaking off his own shock, Angel finished the rest of the spell, sighing when it flared then fell back to the low hum of before.

"Can you feel it?" he asked Riley.

"Yes," the newly bound man said softly. "It's like something just out of the corner of my eye. I can almost touch it."

"Good, that's what it should feel like," Angel nodded. "When it finished settling all the way you will start to feel different. If you need to come to us and we will do all we can to assist you." He stared at Riley when he felt something from the bond. "What?"

Riley blushed and looked away. "Nothing."

"Do not start this off by lying," he said, the threat more than clear in his voice. "What is it that you want?"

"He wants more," Spike noted smugly from the other side of Xander.

"We have to get Buffy," Angel pointed out.

Spike smirked and stretched, showing off his body. "We have time."


ats, tamingthemuse, series: the master, btvs

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