Fic: Caught Up

Oct 24, 2009 20:53

Title: Caught Up
Author: xocoatldreams
Fandom: Original
Characters/Pairings: Original
Rating: PG
Challenges/Prompts: I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I guess I own.
A/N: Once again, not what I wanted to write, but what came out instead. Oh, well.

Evan could hear the typical drone of the priest standing at the head of the grave and he muffled a snicker. The valley of the shadow of death always made him laugh. Mostly because death cast no shadow. He would know, he had the job for the past 3000 years.

It wasn't a bad gig as jobs went. Beat a lot of other ones out there. And hey, he got to travel all over the world and see sights few had laid their eyes on.

"Drama queen," Evan muttered as the grieving widow threw herself on the casket, howling and sobbing at the top of her lungs. That was one of the draw backs of being death: hysterical people wailing and carrying on.

With a sigh, he settled himself against a headstone and waited for the large group of mourners to leave. Normally he showed up just as the person died, but a multi car crash had delayed him by a few days, setting him behind schedule. So Evan was just a bit late to pick up his latest soul.

Finally the last person left and the diggers filled the hole and laid sod over the churned earth. Pushing away from the gravestone he walked over and knelt in the middle of the new grave, tapping lightly on the ground. A moment later a wispy looking figure flowed up from the earth, hovering in front of him.

"Who are you?" the soul asked, glaring at him. In life, Marcus Kent had been a frightening figure of a man, but in death he was just around incoporeal soul.

"I'm Death," Evan answered with a grin.

"Like on the show?" Marcus asked. "Aren't you supposed to get my before I die?"

"Not quite like the show, Mr. Kent, there's only one of me," Evan said evenly. "And yes I am, but there was bit of catastrophe the other day and I'm a bit late. I am only one man."

"Any way I can make a deal? You know, the kind where you send me back," Marcus offered.

"The rumours of deals with Death are just that Mr. Kent, rumours. I have no say in who lives or dies, I just send the souls where they're supposed to go," said Evan quietly. "If you want to make deals, I suggest waiting until you get to your final destination."

"Are you sure?" Marcus asked.

"You've already been autopsied, embalmed and buried," Evan pointed out bluntly. "Even if I could and had the inclination to do it, do you really want to come back like that?"

"No," the soul said, realizing the truth of Evan's words. "What now then? A bright light?"

"No, no bright lights," Evan smirked. "Just some wind." Taking a deep breath, he paushed and then blew, watching as the shade of Marcus Kent was carried on the metaphyisical wind and carried off to its destination.

He stood up and brushed bits of grass and dirt off his knees. He was finally caught up, but that didn't mean his work was done. Far from it actually.


tamingthemuse, originalfic

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