Fic: Shadows in Silence 48/50

Sep 04, 2009 18:41

Title: Shadows In Silence
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairings: Spander, Dru
Rating: NC-17 (FRAO) overall
Prompt: #34 Orgy (50timesimetyou) 163 Solipsism (tamingthemuse)
Warnings: Rape (non-graphic), vamp sex, slash, graphic sex, possible graphic violence
Summary: Four years ago Xander made the mistake of telling his parents something, unfortunately they listened and now he's paying the price.
Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or the boys and Dru, I just like playing with them. No money is being made and no offense is intended.
A/N: This is the direct result of my muse highjacking my dreams
Previous Parts Here

Chapter Forty Eight: Saddened Silence
Summary: Things go terribly wrong
Rating: R (for fighting and language)
Warnings: Hightlight for warnings.Character Death Remember though, not all is what it seems.

Some inane pop song pumped through the club's speakers, and a slime dripping Chaos demon warbled along on stage. Xander ignored the off-tune singing, instead focussing inward and along the link between him and his Mate. He could feel everything Spike felt, from the slight hunger to the pre-battle nervousness. He kept his own emotions in check, knowing now was not the time to distract his Mate. Beside him, Charity bopped along to the music, humming quietly.

"Honey buns, we should head to the back room," Lorne said suddenly, his red eyes staring intently at the young girl.

"What's wrong?" Cordy asked seriously, glaring at the green demon.

"Nothing, nothing," Lorne rushed to assure her, his voice cracking slightly. "I just think it would be best if we moved somewhere a little more private."

Staring at him suspiciously, Cordy nodded and urged Charity up and into the back room. The sound of the music cut off as the door closed behind them. Once in the room, the ex-cheerleader turned on the Host.

"What is going on Lorne?"

He glanced at them, then pulled Cordy off to the side. Xander strained to hear what they were saying, but they were talking too low. Cordy's gasp of pain and shock told him clearly that all was not well. He glared at them, waiting for them to come back over. Cordy's face was pale and her eyes large and damp. Lorne gave her a quick hug and then left them alone.

What?, he scribbled sharply.

"There's going to be a death," she said quietly so Charity wouldn't hear.


"Lorne doesn't know," she half-sobbed. "All he knows is someone is going to die."

Blinking heavily, Xander turned back to the link, locking his worry down and paying all attention he could. From the spike in Spike's emotions, he could tell that She had gotten there and the fight was going to start. Then there was fear, anger, an orgy of emotions, and then a deep pain that echoed deep in his heart, all followed by a wave of pure rage. His mouth opened in a silent scream as Spike lost all control. And the world went black.


Cordy held Charity as the young girl cried softly. Xander's seizure had shocked both of them and when he passed out both had nearly screamed. Somehow they managed to get him on one of the couches where he now lay too still. Part of her wondered just what happened to make Xander lose it like that while the rest really didn't want to know. It had to be something terrible, something to do with their family fighting that Hellgoddess. A reaction like that meant something really bad.

Time passed as they waited, Charity moving from Cordy's arms to curl up next to Xander. The lack of news was beginning to stress the ex-cheerleader and she swore she'd smack all of them when they finally got there. More time passed and she began to wonder about the nature of the universe and if anything other than the thoughts in her own mind were real. Shaking off the odd thoughts, she focussed on the two across from her.

The door flying open startled her and she toppled off her chair. Sitting on the floor, she watched as a blood smeared Spike raced across the room, pushing Charity aside and gathering Xander into his arms. She noticed absently the bloody tears rolling down the blonde vampire's cheeks as he rocked his Mate.

"Angel?" she asked quietly when the vampire entered the room. His eyes were just as wet as Spike, the faint tracks of wiped away tears on his cheeks. Doyle, Wes, Faith, Tara, and Mr. Giles filed into the room after him. Cordy rushed over to Wes, checking him for injuries. Then she noticed their missing member. "Dru?"

Tara began to cry, deep body wracking sobs and Faith gathered the witch into her arms, leading her over to a chair.

"Dru didn't make it," Wes said softly. "She came up with an idea."

"Didn't tell the rest of us," Doyle added quietly.

"She and Tara switched features," the ex-Watcher swallowed. "Glory went after what she thought was Tara, thinking her a weak target. She put her hands into Dru's head-" He turned green and ran to the bathroom hidden off to the side.

"It seems she can suck energy and thoughts from people's minds," Doyle said emotionlessly. "But it doesn't work right on vampires. It weakness her instead of strenthening her. Dru knew it somehow."

"Where is Dru?" Cordy whispered.

"One of Glory's minions saw what was happening and staked her," Doyle told her flatly. "Enough damage was done that we could easily force her back to her host form and kill him."

"Xander felt it," she told them, watching as they all paled underneath bruises and blood. "He had a seizure and passed out."

"Any member of the Aurelius family felt it," Doyle told her.

"No, I mean he felt it," Cordy stressed.

"He felt me," Spike said hoarsely. "Told him to keep the link closed. Told him it was too dangerous. Silly boy."

"Will he be okay?" Charity asked timidly.

Spike tried to smile to reassure her. "In time."


He was standing in a field of flowers, the sun shining brightly down on him. Movement from his left drew his attention and he turned to watch a familiar figure dance among the multitude of blooms. He blinked in shock and stared in wonder at the way the sun brought out the highlights in Dru's hair.

"Hello Kitten," she smiled, coming to a stop in front of him.

"Dru?" he whispered, jumping at the sound of his own voice.

She giggled. "Who else?"

"Where are we?"

"Dreamland," she told him, swaying slightly. "They're letting me have a few minutes with you."


"The Powers," she smiled.

"You died, didn't you?" he whispered, reaching out to touch her face.

"Someone had to," she sighed. "I chose myself. It's all for the best."

"But Spike-"

"Has you and Daddy," Dru told him. "But don't worry Kitten, I'll be coming back."


"Sooner than you think."


tamingthemuse, 50timesimetyou, series: shadows in silence

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