Fic: Shadows In Silence 41/?

Jan 30, 2009 22:22

Title: Shadows In Silence
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairings: Spander, Dru
Rating: NC-17 (FRAO) overall
Prompt: #^ New Year (50timesimetyou) #132 Trap (tamingthemuse)
Warnings: Rape (non-graphic), vamp sex, slash, graphic sex, possible graphic violence
Summary: Four years ago Xander made the mistake of telling his parents something, unfortunately they listened and now he's paying the price.
Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or the boys and Dru, I just like playing with them. No money is being made and no offense is intended.
A/N: This is the direct result of my muse highjacking my dreams
Previous Parts Here

Chapter Forty One: Sorting Shadows
Summary: Helping new friends
Rating: PG

The denizens of the Hyperion Hotel watched with wary eyes as the Watcher seated himself on an available sofa and removed his glasses, furiously cleaning the lenses. Rupert Giles did his best to give the impression of being totally at ease in the presence of three of the most famed vampires in the world, but his nervousness was more than visible. Spike hid a grin as the man jumped when Dru gave a little hiss.

"Behave," Angel admonished absently. "Who you care to explain the situation to us?"

"I remember you," Giles said, his head tilted slightly. "You followed her."

"I was there to try and help her," Angel replied steadily. He had made peace with Buffy's death and nothing, not even the man that had been her Watcher could change that. "Unfortunately I couldn't. But that is the past. So let's deal with the present."

Doyle pressed lightly into Angel's side and stared hard at the Watcher. "Why did it take so long for the new Slayer to get to the Hellmouth?"

"She's not the one that was called directly after Miss Summers," Giles explained softly. "That Slayer and her Watcher came to Sunnydale, but the Master was ready for them. Faith Lehane is the newest Slayer. Like Miss Summers, she is not a Council raised Slayer."

"She's not a puppet then," Spike snorted.

"No," Giles smiled evilly. "She's not. She, and her Watcher, came to Sunnydale just after the New Year. Faith is..." he trailed off.

"I'm different," a husky voice drawled from the doorway. Everyone turned to stare at the dark haired young woman casually slouched against the door jam. "Not one for rules, regulations or any of that bullshit. Drives the bastards overseas buttfuck crazy."

Spike looked around at everyone and grinned. "I think I like her."

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

"So you've suddenly got a little sister?" Doyle tried to clarify.

"I can remember her being born," Faith nodded. "I can remember hiding her from my Mom's friends. All these memories and feelings that ain't mine. But she's a good girl. Does what she's told and stays out of trouble most of the time."

"So, what is she exactly?"

Giles sighed, removing his glasses to clean them again. "She's the Key."

Angel choked and Dru giggled. "Pretty, sparkely green lights."

"Y-yes," Giles stammered slightly. "She's an artifact of great power, capable of opening portals between dimensions. The Key was being guarded by a group of monks. They have been protecting and hiding the Key's power. Unfortunately a very power being who needs the Key's power found them. To hide it better, they made it into a young woman, gave it flesh and memories and sent it to Faith."

"Charity has no idea," Faith added quietly, all the brashness they had been subjected to gone now. "In her eyes, she is my sister, born and raised. And I'll do just about anything to keep it that way. I don't want her to know what she is, was. I want her to be a normal teenage girl."

"Do you know who this person who wants her is?" Angel asked.

"Yes," Giles' voice had gone hard. "She's a HellGoddess."

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Arguing and insults flew around the room, but Xander ignored them in favour of watching the Slayer. She wasn't that tall, but somehow managed to see she was. Faith was slender and covered in lean muscle, her hair dark and falling in loose waves around her equally as dark eyes. To Xander she looked almost as if she could have been his sister. She was brash and blunt, ready to tell anyone exactly what she thought. Like Spike, Xander liked her. As if she felt his gaze, Faith looked at him and winked one dark eye. He grinned and turned his attention over to the mix of loud voices.

"Okay, shut up!" Doyle yelled, effectively silencing everyone. Xander snickered silently as Angel smiled up at his husband affectionately. "Mr. Giles and Miss Lehane have come for our help. The only really question is are we going to help them?"

Xander quickly scribbled on his board, a gift from Cordy, and thrust it at Doyle. There's a child involved. She might not have been real before, but she is now and she needs our help. End of story.

"Good point, Xander," Doyle nodded. They ignored the strange looks they were getting from the Watcher and Slayer. "Angel?"

"Guess we're helping," the older vampire sighed. "Pack up, we're heading to Sunnydale."


Xander was shaking slightly and was pleased to hear Spike disagree. Sunnydale was how he head ended up in the hospital in the first place. Spike's arms came around him and he gratefully snuggled in.

"Excuse me?" Angel's voice was soft and dangerous.

"Are you forgetting that Xander is not to go back to Sunnydale? That the Elders demanded it?" Spike's voice was just as soft but still hard, like velvet over steel. "Plus, the trial is coming up. Most of us need to be there for that."

"Shit," Angel groaned. "I forgot. I'm sorry Xander." Xander nodded, still huddled in the safety of his mate's arms. "We can't go to Sunnydale."

"There has to be something we can do," Wes said, looking around.

"What all do we know about this HellGoddess?" Doyle asked, reaching out to absently run a hand over Angel's arm. "Any weaknesses?"

"There's something about a host," Giles said, reaching for the book he had brought with him. "We don't understand what it mean."

"What does it say?"

"Her host is her weakness."

"One shell, two forms, two spirits, fighting to win," Dru murmured from beside Xander. "One wants to go, One wants to stay. Kill one both die."

"That works," Spike smirked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand," Giles said, looking at the vampiress.

"To kill this HellGoddess you have to kill her host," Spike clarified. "Find out who he is and off him."

"Slayers don't kill humans," Giles protested. "It goes against everything that they are."

Spike shrugged. "Then you do it."

Giles spluttered, looking extremely indignant. "I could never!"

"Fine," Spike snapped. "Figure out who the host is, call us and I'll come kill whoever it is for you. That work?"

Xander pinched his lover. When Spike glanced over at him, Xander gave him a disapproving look, all the while knowing it wouldn't change his lover. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he reached over, snatching his board back. A quick swipe erased the previous words and he quickly jotted down his thoughts, thrusting the board impatiently at Doyle when he was finished.

"Bring her here. Maybe we can hid her like we did me. The others are staying when we go to Rome, they can help figure out who the host is and we can deal with the HellGoddess together when we get back." Doyle read aloud. He blinked and then smiled. "That's a great idea! Might have to call in a few favours to ward her, but it would work."

"Can someone explain what that meant?" Giles asked, his gaze shifting between them.

"And why doesn't BoyToy there talk?" Faith added, leering a little at Xander.

"Xander has a powerful law firm after him. They've taken the case to the Demonic Courts and we have to be there in two weeks," Doyle explained. "When we first got him away from them, an ally of ours brought a protection amulet for him. It hides him from being found. Especially from those with less than pure intentions. The same thing just might work for your sister. I'm going to contact some people, see if we can do it."

"Xan doesn't talk because he can't," Spike told her. "And he's no one's toy!" The last part was snarled. Xander laid a calming hand on his mate's cheek, forcing the vampire's attention away from the Slayer.

"Sorry," Faith shrugged.

"Wait! You're going to the Demonic Courts. Are you sure it's not a trap?" Giles asked, concern and worry colouring his voice. "It is possible they are luring you there to just take the boy."

"Can't happen," Angel assured him. "Though thank you for your concern."

"Why can't it happen? I'm sure you're all very strong and smart, but it is dangerous there."

"Can't happen because we're Mated," Spike smirked. "They grab one of us and they get both."

"Dear Lord!" the Watcher exclaimed.

"What?" Faith asked, eyeing him carefully.

Giles removed his glasses and cleaned them. "I actually feel sorry for them now."

"Us?" Spike asked archly.

"No, the idiots you're up against."


tamingthemuse, 50timesimetyou, series: shadows in silence

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