Fic: Close Encounters of a Strange Kind 4/?

Dec 28, 2008 20:23

Title: Close Encounters of the Strange Kind 4/?
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: TBA
Rating: PG
Warnings: um, it's Buffy and Torchwood, you can guess
Summary: More Questions
Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or Torchwood, or any of the characters/places mentioned. I only own the insane plot that jumped into my head one night and wouldn't go away until I wrote it.
A/N: Spoilers of all seven seasons of Buffy and parts of season two of Torchwood
Series: CESK

Jack leaned back in his chair, still staring at the very serious girl. "You want us to help?"

Rona sighed. "We don't know if it's a human, a demon, a missed slayer or an alien. So, yes, we need help."

"I've never heard of the Council asking for help," Ianto said quietly.

"The old Council wouldn't have," Harris agreed with a grimace. "They were bastards. Like I said, they got blown up. Not something we cry over."

"I think we need to talk somewhere a little more secure," Jack said finally.

"If you want, we can head back to our place," Harris offered. "That way you don't have to worry about us knowing where Torchwood lies."

Jack glanced at him, noticing the humour sparkling in that one dark eye. "I'm betting you already know."

Harris just grinned and shrugged. "We'll even do a trade."

"A trade?"

"Rona goes with you and we'll take one of your people. Just to make sure every thing's level. Plus Rona can guide you if you get lost."

"I'm not so sure," Jack began.

"I'll go," Owen interrupted, his voice bland.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked, knowing exactly why the doctor was offering.

"Yeah," Owen nodded.

"Fine. Let's go." Jack pushed away from the table and waited for Rona to stand before walking out of the bar, the rest of the team behind him.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Owen slipped into the back seat, watching the two men carefully. Something about them set up warning bells in his head, more than the fact that the blonde, Spike, looked just like Captain John. Harris said something quietly in a guttural language and Spike laughed and said something back before revving the engine and pulling out of the parking lot at a neck-breaking speed.

"Care to tell us why you have no heartbeat?" Harris asked suddenly after a few minutes of travel.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Owen answered.

Harris turned in his seat to look back at him. "You're not an idiot, so don't pretend. Spike noticed the lack of a pulse. Want to explain it?"

"I'm dead," Owen admitted with a shrug.

"Huh. How'd that happen?"

Owen gaped. "I admit that I'm dead and all you say is 'huh'!"

"Spike's dead too," Harris shrugged. "Probably for a lot longer than you've been. But I'm guessing for different reasons since you don't register as a demon."

"You're a demon?" he yelped, turning his attention to the blonde. Spike looked back over his shoulder, his face distorted and grinned, showing off very wicked looking fangs. "I guess you are."

"So, now that that's settled, how did you end up dead?" Harris asked again.

"Jack brought me back," Owen answered.

"Resurrection rite?" the one eyed man was suddenly very serious.

"No," Owen shook his head. "I can't tell you how. You'd have to ask Jack."

"Resurrection is dangerous," Spike said, his face back to normal. "It's not something you mess with. Lots of things can go wrong."

"Not saying there weren't issues, but they were handled."

Harris relaxed a little. "Good." He grinned. "How did you end up working for Torchwood?"

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

"Magic isn't real," Gwen said, finally finding her voice. Jack rolled his eyes, steering the SUV in the direction Rona pointed.

"Magic is real," Rona replied, turning to look at her. "Magic is very real and very dangerous in the wrong hands, just like any weapon."

"Do you use magic?" Gwen asked snidely.

"Nope," Rona grinned. "I'm a Slayer. Some consider me to be a magical being, but no magic here."

"What are slayers?" Tosh asked, leaning forward to look at Rona.

"You want the short version or the official spiel?"

"Short," Jack decided. He knew about Slayers and what they did, but he had no clue how they came to be.

"Long time ago Demons ruled the Earth. They left but there were some half-breeds still here. Humans couldn't fight them so some wizards decided to do something about it," her voice got soft. "They took a girl and chained her down and forced the essence of a demon inside her. She got the abilities to track demons, and fast healing, speed. She got weapons knowledge. But she was feral, more animal the human. They sent her off to go fight. She died and the spell the wizards did sent the essence of the demon off into another girl. There was always one Slayer active in the world."

"They sent girls out to fight?" Gwen gasped, looking shocked.

"Most slayers are between the age of ten and fifteen when they're called," Rona told her quietly. "So yes, they sent little girls off to fight the war for them."

"What about the Council?" Ianto asked.

"They came later," she sounded angry. "The Watchers took up the duty of training the slayers and chronicling their lives, short as they may be. Until a couple hundred years ago, they were okay, but then they say the girls as weapons to be used and discarded."

"That's horrible!" Tosh and Gwen exclaimed together.

"It's okay. They got blown up anyway."

"How did that happen?" Ianto asked.

"Some things got screwed up and a very old prophecy was activated. In an attempt to block us from finding out what was going on, the bad guy had the Watchers blown up. I saw it on tv, it was very nice."

"So there's no more Watchers?"

"Why do you want to know so much?" Rona asked, meeting his eyes.

"My father was a Watcher," Ianto admitted. "He died about ten years ago."

"Was he one of the bastards?"

"Sometimes, but he disagreed with how they treated the Slayers and the potentials."

"So did Giles, which is why the Watchers fired him. Same as Wes. They're some of the only ones left," Rona told him. "They started the new Council. Focusing on training the girls and keeping them safe and happy."

"Why are there more than one now?" Tosh asked as Jack pulled in behind Harris' car.

"That's a long story and has to do with why the Watchers got blown up," Rona said, slipped out of the vehicle. "Best ask Xander about that, he even does voices."


fic: close enounters

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