How Twenty Minutes of Wrapping Turned into an Hour, Writing Update and a Story Rec

Dec 18, 2008 16:28

So yesterday I decided maybe I should wrap the presents currently occupying my closet. Dad was off picking Mom up from work so I had an hour and a half to get the job done. Get the presents out. Grab the wrapping paper, scissors and tape and I'm all set right? Nope. I forgot to close my door and keep the cats out. So this year I had two helpers. Sassy even got creative. I wouldn't let her play with the paper so she climbed under the blankets and attacked everything from there. Sweetie did her normal thing of laying on the paper and attacking the scissors. *headdesk* It's a really good thing I love them.

Finally got everything wrapped, but I have no where to put them. We're not putting up the tree this year (we haven't since we moved to the apartment) and Mom hasn't designated an area for them yet so I have on fairly big package cluttering my floor. Good thing I rearranged my room or it wouldn't have worked.

Other news. I haven't been writing much lately. I did my fic for th_fanfic Secret Santa (my giftee liked it ^-^) but other than that the last bit of Magic and Relationships was the last thing I've written. It's not like I don't have any ideas. I got a new one for my Greek God story that I'm working on. I have an original!bunny nibbling at my feet and I just might start (or at least get the basic idea down before I forget). But with all these thoughts running through my head, I still can't seem to write them. *sigh* It's driving me nuts. And invading my dreams.

In other other news, I have been watching a lot of NCIS lately, so you might see more of it in the coming year. Though it will feature in my Greek God story (It's going to be a multiple cross story. Xena-Hercules/BtVS/CSI (all of them)/NCIS/HP/etc. I have no clue what I'll end up pulling into it. That's just what I got so far)

Make everything even more interesting, I think I'm getting sick again. I'm all stuffed up. I can't tell if I'm hot or cold since I keep jumping between the two. I ache all over. *headdesK* It better not be the flu. I forgot to get my shot. *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* I'm an idiot.


Okay, was wandering around WraithBait looking for a particular story that I cannot seem to find and I stumbled across a SGA/NCIS fic. Okay, interesting crossing to begin with, but makes sense with Marines being on Atlantis. So I clickee and start to read the warnings. Which of course got me even more interested. The story is very good, the plot line I love and the characters are themselves but slightly skewed (read the warnings and you'll understand). BDSM features heavily in the fic, but not in the way most would think. Truthfully, you'd have to read it to get it.

Title: Hiding in Plain Sight
Author: Xanthe
Fandom: SGA/NCIS
Summary: When a serial killer murders three marines on Atlantis, NCIS are called in to investigate. However, their arrival brings complications for everyone - revealing a lie, a prophecy, a secret and a nemesis.
Warnings: BDSM, Character Death, het and Slash pairing (Read the warning at the beginning)

So if you're interested go read. And if anyone can tell me where to find the fic where O'Neill is Sheppard's father, please let me know.

real life, recs, update

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