Word Counts, Widgets, Kitties and Questions (Otherwise known as rambling)

Nov 03, 2008 02:40

I thought I'd get today's post out the way since I'm still awake. Got the NaNo Word Count Widget working finally! A lot of people were having problems with it. it should update every night since I'll be posting my totals to NaNo and autumnwrite right before I go to bed. Technically it should be higher since I've written some in the past hour, but the count won't be posted until later tonight.

Other news. Sassy has her hood/collar off and the pain medication patch off. So she's pretty much a happy girl. She keeps trying to do normal things, like climb the back of the computer chair (mom's in the living room) or do her strange laps around the couch (she'd lay on her side facing the front of the couch and using her front claws zip herself along sometimes all the way around. Scare the shit out of my uncle the first time he saw it), so she keeps pouting.
Sweetie's still being a bitch, but that's normal. I finally pinpointed when she became a grumpy kitty. It was when we moved from the house to the apartment. Then when our old cat, Cassius, died, she got even grumpier. But she wasn't that bad until we brought Sassy in. It's weird because Sweetie has been asking for affection, which isn't something she normally does. It makes me worry about her.

Oooooo, question about my Giles/Xander series. When I started it I had a quick thought about eventually making it a Giles/Xander/Spike story. Now I'm not so sure since my Spike wants to play with Tara. So what does everyone think. Should I put Spike with the boys or turn Tara into a stick-loving witch?

randomness, real life, update, nanowrimo

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