Updates and Fic Rec.

Mar 01, 2008 20:28

Okay, I fucked up my wrist again. Don't know what I did. Didn't even swell, just a whole lot of pain. Which means my typing is slower so the fics will be longer coming. I had most of 35 of SiS done, but it took me a while to finish typing it up. 3 of Slam is going to be a while, as is 3 of Close Encounters (Cesk). I have no clue when I'll get them out since I was writing them on paper. So keep your eyes open.

Fic Rec.

Title: Out With the Old, In With the New
Author: beren_writes
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Pairing(s): Bill/Tom, Bill/OMC (reported, non-con)
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Warnings: rape (non-graphic), twincest, vampires
Summary: There are things that many people do not see and are never supposed to see, but when one of these takes Bill from his hotel room, by force, everything changes for him and Tom.
Author's Notes: Okay, so I'm going to do something that I've never done before, and that's start posting a fic before I've almost completely finished every last word :). The fic is all planned out and the beginning and end are complete, but there are some large scenes in the middle that aren't written out yet so I don't quite know how many parts it will be (I'm guessing at 14 - it depends how long the sex ends up ;)). It has reached the stage where I know it will be finished so I decided to start posting. Thanks to Soph for the beta. The second scene of this fic is based on an original fic I wrote a very long time ago; it seemed to fit. The rest is all new :).

Okay, even if you aren't a Tokio Hotel fan, this is still shaping up to be a great story. It's a WIP, which is odd for Beren, so you have to wait patiently for the next chapters, but so far it is so good. It's sad, and painful in parts, and I can't wait for more. What are you waiting for, go read! Even if you have no clue who Tokio Hotel is, go read.

recs, update

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