our matriarch has gone to heaven

Jul 29, 2005 03:40

I received very saddening news...my grandmother passed away. It was shocking news and left me quite shaken-up. Our only grandparent left, now none. After a time of crying/angst, I got myself together and started packing, showered and went to my sister's. We were heading out that same day to central Mexico. Not knowing any details of the funeral/etc.; just getting there was our objective. Of course notifying employers' and trying to find as direct a flight as we could for 4 adults + 1 child. Through the frustrations and costs + a major deterrent when trying to leave from Houston to Leon (Mexico);the airline was not going to let my sister go w/my niece w/o a notarized permission letter from her husband allowing Tyanney to Mexico {any child under the age of 5 is required a notarized letter; even if there is verbal/physical permission from dad}[of course, we were frustrated; finally there was clarification and all was clear==the law was no longer in effect as of Dec '05]. Such a hullabaloo over absolute NONSENSE!!!
Quite an adventure to keep changing airlines and going through the connections; sometimes just barely getting to the next gate...not to mention the "Friday fares"...

We finally arrived very late @ my grandmother's house and find all the family "homes" all dark and alone. Of course having one notice posted @ my grandmom's door letting us know where the "viewing" was, yet where/which direction/phone #(s) to call to know how to get there???????? not to mention we were tired, frustrated, hungry and very sleepy. To our avail, a family friend recognized us and walked us to the funeral home. The whole night spent there and not leaving only to shower/change and then back to stay "w/my grandmother" until her burial, that Sunday morning.
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