Edit to add: Gonna migrate over here--
http://flockofseaghouls.dreamwidth.org Because of the new user agreement, I don't think I will be posting here anymore. :(
I may just let the account go dormant, but likely I will delete it entirely before the year is up.
Just want to put this out here in case I've got anyone following me who wants to stay in touch--
My blog:
http://undeadindixie.com (I guess I will be writing here a lot more from now on!)
http://facebook.com/sarah.boltonSnapchat: undeadindixie
Instagram: evilsouthernbelle
I don't do Twitter, lol.
Even though I really haven't been writing here much since sometime in 2011, and have been routinely purging my old entries, it's still sad to let this go. I met a lot of great people here and kept in touch with friends using LJ for the better part of 16 years. LJ used to know all my deepest, darkest secrets. I wonder who I will tell them to now? :(