So Sunday the 22nd we went to go see BoA. Sadly that is all we got to do. See her. while severel other were actually able to meet and take pictures with her. What sucks the most is that we waited in line for 5 hours just to see her. 5 hours... can you believe that! i probably wont do this again just because it was freezing cold and everytime something bad like this happens im less likely to do something similar to it again. i guess the only fun part was hanging out with friends and making new ones. Suzy and bianca was there but we also got to see biancas friends from LJ, Tabitha (not sure of the spelling) and Nancy. Those two gals are really sweet. and i feel bad because im pretty sure i came off as grumpy because i was... after sitting out in the cold for hours i was just getting impatient. so i apologize. But it was nice meeting them two. Tabby was caucasian and chinese and i think she was soo super pretty!! i love peoplet that are mixed because most people are gorgeous! and then Nancy is Japapnese and she was just the cutest! when she said her age (22) i as liike......O.O.... NO WAY she was soooo itty biitty she looked like she was 18! but as said looks are decieving >..<
ANother fun thing was that Tabby and Nancy were able to interview for KBS AME. they said how much they loved boa and cheered for her it was great!! i was like i would NEVER ever be able to do that its wayyyy to nerve wrecking >>>><<<<. and lastly as a group one of BoA's crew members came by and we got to cheer for her. all of us this time and it was fun we were like "boa!! we were here for 5 huors! we love u!!" haha ohh well....Lastly once boA left everyone started scavanging for posters and poor Tabby got cut, i got a big poster but have no idea what to do with it...ugh...
After being disappointed me, suzy and bianca went to Noodle World and ate Pho and spicy fried rice. Honestly i do NOT know what the crazy for Pho is. i was eager to try it and was well, disappointed. but then again maybe its because i am asian and always have noodles or maybe it is because i put too much expectation on it...oh well..
after that we went to 21 choices.. yum... and then we waited in Cheese cake factory for Hiripsame to pick us up. I never really talked to Hiripsimae before but i notice that she is alot like Suzy. But i also noticed that she is very very pretty:D (Suzy u are too! of course!) but yah i guess i never really looked at Hiripsame! hhe and its so cool because suzy got her sister hooked to our crazy Kpop... i love how we are bringing in the people... mwhahahah....!!!!!!
So after i reached home i just cleaned finshed up some studying and waited for Tony to come over. We hung for a bit and he went home and i knocked out...
Worst thing tho. i hate waking up to my Tv still being left on.. its soo F-ing annoying!
also i hate wakingup to the birds chirpping... i know this is morbid of me to say but.. i want to shoot or strangle them!!!
they are soo annoying! chirping, chirping constatnly is ugh.. if you didnt know i hate thngs that make a constant sound like a ticking clock i cant stand it!,,,,
geeze im picky......
after work i went to Sephora and was going to buy the Smashbox gel liner pallet
BUT #1 it was expensive and two i thought hell im not going to use all of them
so... i bought this instead
i Love MAC nothing can take me away from them :D:D
After that mom picked me up then went home ate a little food and then tony picked me up we went to costco so we can pick up some muscle milk and then went back to his place and watched "fight Club" it was just .. DONT watch it dumb movie and alright twist but not the greatest....
ugh.... i dont want to go to school tomorrow....