people and fricken drama

May 10, 2004 19:28

Hey guys whats up? nothin much here god right now i just wanna break down and cry ppl keep causing drama in our group (and you kno who you are) and sum1 (not sayin names) thinks that that they can't yell at cassie but can yell at me because they think that it will be play yellin and they think that if it's ok to foght with me but not with cassie! i love cassie and all but she can take a fight maybe not as well as me but she can! i talked to my mom today about comin to florida and she still doesn't trust me and wants to kno why jaime can't come up here and why she needs to change her mind and jaime's parents can't change theirs!! i wanna go to florida so bad because i wanna see kyle and courtney and hana and i wanna meet rem and chris and i just wanna go down there!! this is so stupid my friends here are really getting on my nerves right now cept cassie cuz she's kinda in the same situation as me cept with the whole florida thing! it just seems like my friends only wanna be friends when they need me and when i need them it like well why would i talk to them cuz they'll just go tell sum1 or they complain or w/e! i just think that this is all bullcrap and ppl just need to stop! if they wanna be my freind then be my freind but if you wanna talk to me only when u need me or act like sumthin or sum1 ur not then screw you and u can just go and screw yourself cuz i don't want a part of it! why can't my parents just let me go to florida? at frist when they said that i couldn't go i was fine because i hadn't talked to jaime in a long time and i had so much goin on that it just seemed like there was no point to go or do anything! i felt useless and that no1 really cared! no1 seems to belive me when even when they should kno me better! i made some BIG mistakes this year because i gave in to the crowd and went with it!!! i shouldn't have writen some things and i shouldn't have became friends with some people that i became friends with!!! i just don't kno who i can trust anymore and who really cares about me! certain times i still feel worthless but oh well i get over it but when i did all that crap it seemed like if i just went to the top of the tallest building in the world and jumped off they would all see and say oh well and just walk away and 2 weeks later when sum1 thinks they need me and can't find me then it will be a deal but nothin big! there will prolly only be 1 person who reads this but oh well that 1 person can make a differance! bye xoxoxo
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