I added more pictures to my website of my new furbabies...Bodacious & Precious!
View the other photos here...
http://s88337917.onlinehome.us/gallery/album65 I sent the link and an update to their foster mom, Sarah so she can see that they are doing just fine.
They went to the vet on Friday and their new vet, Dr. Katlin, is worried about a little spot on the back of Precious's neck...she has a skin infection and he ran a culture on the spot to find out if it's fungal or bacterial. It was just a little tiny spot when we got her last Saturday and now it's about the size of my thumb print! She has an oral antibiotic and an ointment and she doesn't like when I give her either. I'm actually covered in her medicine right now and I don't think this pink stuff is going to come out of my clothes! It looks and has the consistency of Pepto Bismol, but it smells much worse. It also must taste pretty bad too because she definitely makes the funniest faces when she gets it!
Bodie also got a culture on a little spot on his ear that is lacking fur just to make sure he doesn't have skin issues too! I also had the vet clean out his ears because they were a little dirty and he didn't like that much, but the vet tech said that they both were very well behaved. Other than that he thinks they are both happy and healthy.
They get along great with Dustin and we've fallen in love with them already.