i love you liz!!

Sep 19, 2004 20:22

omg... saturday was like the best night.

ok the LIMO can and picked me up @ my house. and me, loo, liz, rachael, joanna, and katy, and mrs, kim all drove to downtown atl and went to this adorable pizza place. omg the pizzas are HUGE! we went in some shops and tried on shoes and hats. :D

after dinner we drove to als house to pick her up and then went to neverland. i think thats whats its called. its a haunted house and it was sooo scary. this one monster came after all of us and loo and al feel creating a dog pile. good!! we were all in skirts too. OOPS! we went through all 3 of them. me and liz were like making out we were so close. haha. it was great!!

then we all went back to liz house. me and liz jumped on al and lauren. haha. but then craig, scott, and joey walked to lizs house from craig. smart boys. haha we didnt think they would but they did. they couldnt come in so they all got mad at us. oh well. haha. i had the best time. i love you girls...!!!!

"goodnight liz. goodnight lauren!... have NIGHTMARES allison!!" haha
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