Jul 11, 2004 20:33
thursday i woke up at 8 by my effing gardners yeah pissed off cuz i was up spp damn late that night and didnt get to sleep but whatevr kelly and michelle finaallly woke up and kelly me michelle all went out in the back yard ad tanned for like and hour and then sean and shaun came over kelly went home and me and michelle watched there football practice...we were watching and the sprinklers came on on us but didnt quite get us but i screemed haha it was funny!! i went to practice came home and did absolutly nothing!!!!
friday i dint feel all that great then i had to get up out of bed and go to the batting cages and hit for awhile with like lauren christine and mandy it was good!! then me and mandy went to the mall and took pictures and bought my perfume and new stuff it was fun....later that night i went over to matts house for a couple hours it was fun even though not many people showed up yeah theni got home around 1130 and went to bed.
saturday i woke up at 6:20 my mom was very very suprised that i was up cuz i didnt have to be up intill ummm 730? well anyways i got up and got ready and left my house around 745 cuz i had to work at the feilds at 8 i had three games i didnt do all that well and then shea andclake came to are last one!! awwww it was fun they helped me pick up trash HAHH yeah right anyways ya then blake got picked up couldnt go to the dance and shea brought me home i got ready with michelle then shea came baq and picked us up awww his moms sooo sweet she drice us through mc donalds since i didnt eat alll day!! it was cool!! aww!!! GABBY CAME HOME TODAY!!! she came baq from hawaii and then slept at my house after the dance her and michelle had fun and i hung out with amelia shea and caitlyn awww there sooo sweet !! i love them!! then after the dance we drove through somewehre and got food gabby was playing with her spoon and flirting with the guys next to us it was halarious!!! hahaha i love her ....we got home and were hyper so we called sha nae nae (shea) thats whats gabs calls him! well after we went swimming and then went to bed!
Sunday today me and gabs woke up at noon and got breakfast in bed!! yummy!!! duaners is such a good cook! okay well then me and gabby went online and gabs all of a sudden was down! RIP chase!! gabby had found out about that so we were both really sad not only gor him but for are good friend melissa he was her best friend!! awww iim sooo sorry we love you!! and jessica too!! acually too all of his friends im sooo sorry! Anywasy i had to gabby out of the house and have some fun so me and her went to the mall today and got hot dog on a stick and got are cheesesticks with alemonade it was gooooooood then we went to the movies and met shea there and saw white chicks!! it was sooooo funny!! but then gabbs left for 10 minutes and talked to melissa on the fone!! awww gabbs was so sad after! anyways arre movie was good so then us three all went to the sweet factory and got candy yummy! i went back to gabs then walked to the knolls and i saw jessica on my way gave her a hug and got picked up yeah thats all xoxoxo RIP CHASE!! THOSE WHO NEW YOU WILL REMEMEBR YOU FOREVER!