Oct 31, 2004 13:24
saturday-> ok, i cant remember what i did on saturday... i think i had practice, but i cant realy remember.. oh well.. not important
sunday -> game...lost...slept...
monday-> went to school... saw beba at the hillz... damn i love that hooker... btu anyways... umm.. i was gon go to daves house, but then i didnt, so i went and chilled with my cousin alex and wayne till like 5:30 or whenever we had practice... then came home and finished my homework
tuesday-> umm i dont remember what i did htis day either... umm..school and practice? idno...
wednesday-> school...doctors... practice...
thursday-> doctors...didnt go to school.. im sick :*(...my momma wouldnt let me go to practice so that pissed the shit out of me.. nothing new though..and no elio, thats not a good thing that she wouldnt let me go...
friday-> didnt go to school.... i went to practice though, but didnt like do anything.. i just sat there, cuz i was still feeling a lil light headed, but i was feeling better then i did on thursday
saturday-> no practice... alex called me up at 8 and asked me if i wanted to go to the parade with her, so i said sure.. we kinda ran/walked a lot but it was fun.. haha... we went to this place called the yacht club, its liek ont eh cambridge side of the charles river, and my friend has a boat there, adn her and her family was there, and then we were like liget five feet away from the red sox... i dont really like the red sox, but hey, they have some pretty sexxi people there
today-> the last foot ball game... i cheered... im sick and i was still like one of the fucking loudest... its bull shit.. and then one of the b team foot ball players tooke my phone, adn gave it t o another kid,a dn i had liek one of them in a head lock, and he threw me on the ground, adn landed like on top of me, so i like died... and im mad now, cuz i was supposed to see my girly girl shawna today, but no0o some people like to be flmaing homosexuals...haha... just kidding... but yeah.. so that pretty much raps up myd ay so far... i think me kamarah and dany are supposed to be chilling today.. im not exactly sure whats going on at this point.. but yeahl.. so whatever.. im out.. *wUn*