Feb 06, 2007 20:29
I totally need to vent!! OMG.
okay, so I get back from my classes around 6pm and alicia is blaring her fukin music so damn loud.. like omg I cant hear anything or even my own thinking kind of loud. SO when I walked in she didnt turn her shitty music down or off.. so I was like well fuck this and 10 minutes later left to eat with kristin and katie.. then 2 hours later!! I came hope figuring okay I gave her 2 hours to listen .. I walk in again.. and she is STILL BLARING her damn music!!! OMG. .. so I went upstairs to KP's room and KP can hear her music from upstairs!!! thats how loud it is.. and I came back about another 45 minutes later .. she is on the phone so she had her music off.... 10 minutes later she gets off the phone and blares her music again!!
(I swear right about now Im thinking how much I wanna kill her! )
so another 30 minutes later... she still doesnt turn it down or off...and it was 8 and gilmore girls was on so I said can you turn your music off now.. and she FINALLY turned it off!!! and then I go to turn my tv on to gilmore girls and the freakin tv doesnt work!!! she moves it to watch it from her bed since she brought her tv home. and when she did that she fuked up the cable.. I had it in a certain spot to work... so now half the channels on my tv dont freakin work!! ajsdlkjhadslfkjhsdlkjhlkdh!!
here is a general list!!
Loud terrible blaring music
nasty and unclean
disrespects me
lives like a fukin pig (shit all over the place)
never uses her own trach can (ALWAYS and ONLY uses mine!)
always leans over shit I do
farts 24/7!!!
she is very rude when I have guests over.. which is hardly ever cuz im embarrased by her
she burps so damn loud all the time
always comes in really really late (like 4-6am) every single freakin night.
lies to me
sleeps in my fukin bed
has nasty, dirty, unclean boys sleep in my bed when im not here
her voice in general is so fukin loud!
my suite mate has the loudness, most annoying laugh EVER!
they are so loud together
uses my stuff and food and drinks
takes up all the space in MY fridge and makes it dirty
worst of all.. she knows exactly how I feel about it all and still does it everyday.
I left out a lot of stuff... BUT...