Oct 17, 2004 15:57
hey all...how was ur weekend???? mine was ok .. i told u about friday nd last night i went to melissa's. omg it was such a good night. no one was home it was just the two of us nd we just talked about everything and kept thinking that someone was there. and so we got on line nd no one was on but mike. mike i must thank u for talkin to us cuz other wise we would have flipped out so much sooner. haha. but i didn't really do n e thing today. just talked to ppl online nd stuff. i beat up josh...or @ least tried. the 1st time i won the 2nd time i lost...bad haha. i love my brothers .. there such losers!!?!?
another week of school is coming up..whot whot.. right. umm i don't think n e thing good is happenening this week. but if there is for u let me know!! <3 noelle!!