Aug 30, 2004 22:09
I went to Max's today and him and I went out on the boat and he got gas for it and jake and taylor went on taylor's jet ski. And then we went into his house where I was slapped in the bum by a boi who isn't even two yet. Later on keais and ali and karina and jimmy and kim came over and there was much pool playing and gossiping and keais rolling on the ground playing the duck hunt game that projects the ducks onto a wall (instead of the usual one which is just a video game type deal). Then we watched starsky and hutch but I had to leave before it ended. Cool, right. Then I got into the car with nicky and jay and nicky was pissed off and jay really wasn't helping, but in fact making it worse even though he knew that he was. I bet he didn't tell her he loved her, yet they're still together. Her fault.
Then I came home and politely asked mom and johnny if Max could *please come over before the designated company-time (6:15) seeing as it's my last day of summer and also since Max is leaving on thursday*. But no, they're friggin having a bbq tomorrow so they figure the earliest time he could come over is six o'clock, OHHHHHHH FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTES EARLY! WHOOP DEE DOO. I'm sorry for the swearing it's just that I'm really pissed off right now..and I'm so friggin annoyed with these rules. I DON'T WANT TO EAT DINNER WITH THEM! I just want to see Max on my last day of summer for prolly the last time I will see him alone until he comes back. I hate this. I hate this house. I hate these rules. I NEED to get out of here. Please tell me that I'm not the only one with parents who have rules as ridiculous as these.
Tomorrow is my last day of summer and it's already ruined for me. Yay I get to see Max for three hours and forty-five minutes..not like that's a short period of time, no not at all.
Okay, well I should go before I continue venting