Sep 02, 2005 10:00
OMG! Today I got to see Josh Abramson and Rafe Kaplan! They are on vacation with Josh’s family. I saw Jill (Josh’s sister) and Josh’s parents too. Jill was on EIE this past spring so they stopped by the Kibbutz. I was walking up to the Zula when I saw these two guys looking at me and I was like they look so familiar! Then they started to laugh and screamed and ran up to Rafe giving him a huge hug and then Josh. They stayed for like half and hour before we left for Jerusalem. We went to Jerusalem for Shabbat Services. I love the city…its amazing!! Josh, Rafe, and Josh’s family joined us for the services. We had services at the Southern Wall of the Temple. Then we made our way to the Western Wall. It is amazing. You can see the men’s side which is made up of mostly Hasidim. Hasidim are the Jews that have the curls on the sides and the beards and wear some type of hat (usually black with a brim). You could even hear the rumble of their voices as they prayed in countless groups. On the women’s side there were a lot less people and all the women were wearing long skirts and long sleeves. I got to put my little note in the wall too. I won’t write about that though. Then we came back to the Kibbutz for dinner and then we had song session and hung out until 2 o’clock in the morning. Josh and Rafe took a taxi to come see me. They hung out with me and the other people in the program. I had a good talk with Josh. He has really changed. If you don’t remember, Josh told people at camp that I blew him…but I didn’t. That doesn’t matter anymore though. He is a good guy and it made me happy to see him. Well, that’s it for now! <33