Feb 15, 2003 01:13
y0o.. im madd tired.. i jus came h0me i wus 0ut like m0st 0f da daii.. i didnt g0 t0 da dance cuz it wus gay n since t0daii wus r0saz bdaii s0 me maria r0sa n ma cuz went 0ut t0 da m0vies n we saw final destinati0n 2.. it wus maddd g0od.. den we walked acr0ss da expresswaii((unda tha tunnel which led us ta linden place))n we went t0 tha arcade n we g0t chinese f0od.. then around 11:3o we went t0 r0saz h0use n her family n us ate cake.. then we chilled n n0w i jus came h0me r0und 1..i met r0'z br0tha t0daii.. i seen him r0und sk0ol n shit s0 thas co0l.. he in 9th grade th0.. s0 n0w ima write b0ut ma daii..
aiight s0 in tha m0rnin ali came 0va n she br0ught jackie b. and natalie(i never met natalie b4) natalie is so0 sweet! s0 natalie had st0ges 0n her s0 we wus chillin by the sk0ol n then we saw jackie c. so den we all walked t0 tha deli n i spent 5 bucks 0n candii n then i st0le b0ut like 3 bucks w0rth 0f candii.. y0 jackie c g0t me mad hyper in tha m0rnin s0 f0 lyke tha rest 0f tha daii i wus trippin.. then in lunch i t0ok s0me pix of jen and abby and jackie n lizeth..i g0tta get dem dev0lped t0m0rr0.. then 6,7, and 8th peri0dz we were in da audit0rium watchin a m0vie.. it was called BIG 0r s0me shit.. it was aiight i g0t 0ut 0f a d0uble peri0d 0f science n ma math class..f0 s0me reaz0n t0daii wus lyke da best daii ive had in madd l0ng..
n0w we g0t vacati0n s0o n0w we 0ff f0 a week..fuck yea..m0st 0f tha week im chillin bac in ma 0ld cribb t0 visit ppl s0o m0st 0f ma plans r cancelled.. im really s0rry guys i didnt n0 i wus gunna b in medf0rd dat l0ng.. ill make it up t0 u ;) haha jus playin..
aiight ima g0 t0 sleep im maddd tired..
much l0ve
DrEa <3