`nd thisz started off as a GOOD day..

May 16, 2005 19:53

wusz pOppiin LJ.. thisz gonna b anotha one of those.. long entrie'sz so iif u got a flipp`n problem readin it.. ii recomend u click on tha lil [x] `nd POOF BE GONE! but it wont b all that long. lol

iight well todaii started off as a pretty go0d daii. ii was iin my computer class `nd we have to make like a slide show thing so we were online lookin at objects we wanted to create `nd my gurl gina whosz a junior wasz like ``vanessa u kno whut wud b hott?`` 'nd ii was like ``whut gina.. enlighten me`` 'nd she wasz like ``since u stay rock`n jordansz `nd siince u love em so much u shud make tha main topic of ya slide show b jordansz``.. now that wusznt a bad iidea at aLL. LOL. so we went `nd we looked at sum 13'sz. `nd then we came across tha 13'sz that are comiin out on saturdaii. ii was like ``dayum yoO.. ii wish they was comin out a lil lata liek next month cuz ii cudda used birthday money to cop em cuz ii`m flap broke`` (( mii birthday'sz on june 28.. whutca gett`n me? )) `nd she wasz liiek ii`m sayiin. so we wasz like dam we gotta get em they to0 sexii to pass up. we was liek well try to get tha money but just iincase she sed she`d call tha store `nd put tha shoesz on hold for us. so then shesz liike yo ii got a idea `nd she getsz a blank sheet of paper `nd she wirtes on it ``DONT BE GREEDY GIVE TO THE VANESSA & GINA NEED SUM JORDANS FOUNDATION.. GIVE A DOLLA.. OR 20``. `nd she wasz like walk aaroun class wit it. thisz one white boy nick really gave us each a dolla `nd we was like o0o wow. so she told me to walk around the rest of tha day wit it. so ii did. ii went into school wit $4 `nd ii came out wir $13.50. thatsz sum crazy hustlin. `nd sum people wasz liiek ask me 2mrw `nd ii got chu cusz ii feel tha need for tha jordansz or wateva. so ii was like IIGHT CANT KNOCK MY HUSTLE!

so todaii afta school ii got home `nd mii mom just wasnt iin a good mood for like no reason. she'sz been kinda upset wit me for like tha past 2 weeksz cuz she called mii teachersz to check up tto make sure mii gradesz were str8 `nd mii dayum education & child development teacher -> mrsz. latino <- sed mii grade needa come up. in that class we onlii get one thing for homework `nd thats on friday'sz bring in a summary of aarticle we find in a newspaper or magazine that got sumthin to do wit children or education. `nd for like tha past 3 fridaysz in a row, ii honestlii forgot. `nd mii mom was mad. so last week ii did it `nd tha week b4 `nd ii alreadii did th one for this week last night. so today she was liek did u hand in ya article to mrs latino `nd ii was like no cusz she`d loose it ((cusz u kno how sum teachersz are just down rite unorganiized `nd will loose even ya final prOject )) `nd mii mom just looked at me. then ii was liek god mom we dont even read em until friday `nd she was like u read them outloud? `nd ii was liek yea we go around tha room `nd she was liek so for 3 weeksz in a row u didnt have one wen they got to you? u kno whut dont go on tha phone tonight. ii was like WTF SO NOW I ACTUALLY DO MY DAYUM WORK `ND I GET PUNISHED! `nd liek nobodii in class does them but ii usually do. that class is a FLIPPIN JOKE. so wateva. that got me freakin heated cusz that meansz heresz a day where ii cant tlak to my baby junior. ii was pissed.

then ii wanted to go to tha library to get like 4 booksz cusz ii read alot ((yup black kidsz can read too! lol)) `nd she told me ``gimmie 5 minutesz`` like flippin 72 timesz. then we finally went `nd mii aunt `nd sister came along cusz mii aunt had to go to tha hair store `nd my sister just hates stayin home alone. freakin weirdo. ii LOVE havin tha crib to miiself. so we drop off mii aunt `nd sister `nd then we drive up to tha library `nd theresz a sign that says ``the library isz CLOSED on SUNDAYS and MONDAYS``. wow. `nd todaii isz monday. mom mii started laffin `nd was like wow whut kinda library isz closed on a monday? ii was like who tha frig knoesz. lol. so then were drivin down tha street `nd me `nd mii mom are jammin to tha radio. then we stop at a red light `nd she turnsz to look at me `nd goes ``omg`` so ii`m like whut whut whut? `nd she goesz u thought ii wudnt notcie huh? `nd ii was like notice whut notice whut. then ii knew exactly whut she was talkin bout. ii didnt have mii hair coverin tha hickey junior gave me any more!! o0o god. ii thought she was gonna spazz. she was like who gave u that hickey? ii was like umm whut hickey? she was like dont play stupid wit me isz that from junior? `nd ii was liek yea well obviously who else wud it b from? ii was liek shocked that she wud think ii`d cheat on junior! but wateva. she wasz liiek well atleast itsz from a nigga ii kno bout not sum random nigga u picked up off tha street. then we talked about it for a while `nd itsz all good. but dam ii still wanna talk to him!!

iim out
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