May 08, 2005 20:33
wusz realii hOod..
well'sz last niight juniOr (( <3 )) caLLed me `nd we wasz just talkiin like everythiin wasz fiine like nothiin had happened. `nd we wasz liiek that for a while. buh ii had to kno whut wasz good. so ii wasz liiek ``babii wusz goin on? are we gonna try to work out tha problemsz?`` omg.. rite wen ii sed that ii wasz so nervous he wasz gonna manage to break tha new'sz. ii thought that wasz tha end. buh.. ii wasz wrong!! he wasz liiek of course we`ll work it out ii love u too much to let chu go. ii wasz so happy so we kept tlakiin for a while. buh then he wasz gonna leave to go spend tha niight at hisz cuzzinsz. so he gave me hisz cousin'sz numbah `nd wasz liiek call there in 10 minute'sz. well ii gave him sum extra tiime `nd ii called bac iin 20 lolsz. so he picked up that phone `nd everythin wasz fucc`n perfect. just liiek how itsz alwaysz been. we stayed on tha phone til about 2 then ii waz so dam tiired and he told me to go to sleep. so ii did. shiit ii didnt need hiim to twll me 2 twice.. ii hung up tha phone `nd ii was knocked tha fucc out! lolsz
thisz mornin ii wasz so happy just cusz ii knew that everythiin wasz good with mii `nd mii man. so ii woke up `nd wished mii mom a happy mother'sz daii. then mii step dad ((dum biitch )), mii lil sister ((lisa)) `nd mii aunt ((mii mom'sz twin sister whosz stayiin wit usz for a while.. she livesz in barbados her name iisz mary)) caLLed usz iinto tha kitchen. tell me y they cooked mii mom breakfast rite.. they cant cook to say their effin livesz! iit wasz so ewwww. but mii mom wasz greatful. now ii can cook. they shud of got me up `nd we wudda had a slammin breakfast. but wateva. ii guess it'sz tha thought that countsz (( but mayb next tiime they shud put more thought iinto it and wake mii ass up!!))
so then for tha rest of tha day ii wasz just chill`n. mii mom wasz on tha phone like all day `nd junior called liek fuccin 1000000000000 timesz ((ok so ii over exaggerated a tadd lol)) `nd mii mom kept sayiin call bac but then neva got her black ass off tha dam phone. ii was gettin heated but ii didnt say nothin.. ->it isz mothersz day afta aLL. well mii mom, mii aunt , `nd mii sister went to go get sumthin to eat. so ii got tha phone next to me cusz ii`m waitin for junior'sz call. then mii lil cousin dante call'sz `nd we wasz talkin for a while. `nd mii step dad sed sumthin `nd ii got heated `nd spazzed. wateva. nuffin new.
so me `nd dante hung up cusz his cellie wasz dyiin so he wasz liiek `niecy ii`ll call u wen ii get home`` ii wasz lieik iight iitsz coo. so ii had tha phone next to me cusz ii was waitin for tha call. tell me y mii fuccin step dad cum'sz iin tha livin room `nd takesz tha phone. ii wasz liiek ii`m waitin for a call `nd he wasz liiek ii need tha phone. he'sz been in hisz room for liek 3 hour'sz. y cudnt he of used tha phone then? omg he makesz me mad. so he was bout to use tha phone wen it rang. tell me y itsz was junior `nd he wasz liiek call vanessa bac. WTF omg.. ii was ready to kill him! then mii mom came home `nd ii told her `nd she got all mad like y u gonna do that `nd everythin. so we str8. lolsz. ii`m still waitin for tha call bac. lolsz.
iight LJ ii`m out. keep tha comment'sz comiin on mii last entry wit tha poem'sz.. ii still need a title for that untitled poem.