wusz really gOod iin tha hOod LJ. well all'sz well that end'sz well. me `nd junior got back togetha. he wanted it and so did ii so everythingsz good. anywaysz. so ii downloaded psp9 todaii cusz ii wanna learn how to do layoutsz and shit.. well'sz.. ii made a starter one for mii grlsz LJ buh ii cant figure out how to get it up so ii`m heated. if anyone knoesz how to lemme kno and if u can help me out so ii can get betta at usin tha program get at me on aim xO bankSzBabii. =]. thanksz. o0o by tha way.. ii needa kno tha dementiiOnsz too cusz itsz like a weird shape rite nOw.. thisz isz it ::
EDiiT !!
here'sz a poem ii worte for mii grl melissa.. it explain her and her man'sz situation perfect ::
so he tellsz you he lovesz you and obviously ya gonna believe itsz true.. he sed u were hisz baby and u made sure it was known he wasz ya boo. buh slowly everythin started to change from good to bad. the phone callsz came less and less and u became extremely sad. buh dont let it stop you from bein who ur ment to be. and if ur sad neva let him see. now u hear he wantsz it to b done. buh itsz iight dont let him kno u sad dont let him think he won. you can do betta. just find sumbodii knew. girl u deserve a new and improved boo. he wasnt even man enuff to tell you. so much for his love to you being tru.
mOre picsz of mii brotha lamonte comiin 2mrw