Feb 11, 2005 18:02
hey, today i went to amandas in the morning then school as usual......then during 8th period we left nd went to rush for the stop thing...it was fun..then wen we got bac to school mr belskey wouldnt let us go home....we got like so mad at him.....ok then amandas brother finally came to get us nd we went bac to amandas and ate cuz thats like all we do......then we came bac to my house...nd justin nd bailey came over nd i didnt want them to come in cuz i looked like crap nd i couldnt cuz nobody was home...then lauren called nd was like im gonna stop over nd i was like no u cant she was like well im going to any way...so she did nd i wouldnt let them in cuz i told her she couldnt come nd now she is all mad nd stuff but i really dont care.....she can hate me nd my sister for the stupidest reason....nd im mad cuz she lied to me nd told me jess didnt hate me anymore nd she does....nd well now im really bored...i want amanda to come over nd shane nd justin...but none of them will prally..but i might do something with amanda idk yet....well im really bored so im gonna go .....comment!!!! i love you!