<3 I've earned through hope and faith, the curves around your face <3

May 16, 2006 12:57

Today is my first full day off of school and work in a long time. I've got so much I have to do.

  • I still have to shower and get ready

  • I have to get my perscription filled

  • I have to run up to Target and get my jacket I left there last night

  • I have to return my Winter books and get my Spring/ Summer Books

  • I have to go to the bank

  • I have to go to Hallmark and get a wedding card

  • I have to vacuum the house

  • I have to schedule my dentist app.

This week's events:

Wednesday- Doctor's at 12:50pm; work 4-10pm
Thursday- Hair app. at 11:30am; work 4-10pm
Friday- Eric's cousins's wedding at 6:30pm.
Saturday- work 8-4pm
Sunday- free day!!!
Monday- Chemistry starts from 8am- 1pm; work 2-10pm
Tuesday- Chemistry 8am- 1pm; work 4-10pm
Wednesday- Chemistry 8am- 1pm; work 4-10pm
Thursday- Chemistry 8am- 1pm; work 4-10pm
Friday- perhaps getting my windsheld replaced..

SCHOOL- winter classes have ended, thank god! I got an A in anatomy and physiology, and A in Nutrition and a B- in speech. I am just happy that I passed speech class, that teacher was by far the toughest teacher I have ever had. I am so relieved that that class is finally over. I'm just worried about how I did in Political Science. I really don't think I passed because I did not have a good teacher at all. If I do have to retake it I'm for sure signing up for a different teacher. Ick.. toughest semester so far. Summer classes start on Monday so this is my week off. Chemistry starts Monday and ends the end of June; Self- defense starts in the middle of June and ends in July; and Anatomy and Physiology 2 starts the beginning of July and ends the end of August. So at most I'll be in 2 classes at one time. It's 10 credits and my work availability changes 5 or 6 times. I'm still going to be working about 30- 35 hours a week too...

HAIR- I'm so excited I'm getting my hair done on Thursday. I think I am going to be going darker again with some suptle blonde highlights. I don't want to go too dark for the summer. My hair faded so much from the last time I got it done in December so its in dire need to be redone. I think I am going to get my hair cut shorter than usual to get all of the split ends off. I think I'd like it shorter anyways..

WEDDING- Me and Eric are going to his cousin's wedding on Friday and I got the cutest dress ever! I can't wait to get all dressed up! The bad thing is that it is an outdoor wedding and it's not even going to be 60 degrees. I am going to freeze!! I can't wait for the reception, its going to be so much fun!

WORK- work is work and I've been doing a lot of it. So not much there to talk about..

CAR- unfortunately I have to get my windsheld replaced because something hit me when I was driving and cracked the glass and it just got worse. It's going to be over 200 dollars to replace.. yay. Also, my lease is up in August so we're trying to figure out what to do for a car for me. Time's a tickin.

SUMMER- hopefully getting into shape during the little free time I have. Eric and I want to get a pass to Stoney creek so we can bike and skate around the path, and I want to run around the path at the park that's near his house. I want to be outside alot of the summer so I can finally get tan! I also want to takes tons of trips up north so we can relax and do whatever we please.. perhaps even go out on the boat ;-)...

Well I've wasted enough time already, I've got to go take a shower and get my errands started.. and of course what a better way to do that by raining.. ick.
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