Jun 04, 2005 16:47
yeahhh yesterday lotta funnn =)
went home with mandi...lol pretty much what i do every weekend. buh yeah juss hung out there foh a lil bit then carrie and jenna came over, they rented movies nd all =) awwww i love them girlsss so much!! =D we took pics, ATE, watched movies, juss chilled thaa fuck out!
-Prank calls-Tryen ta do that Oujie Board-Taken Pics-
^^Lossaa fun, coodnt member what all else we did buh i love them muchooo lots! hehe
yeahhh im on hea now cuz im waiten foh mandi to get outta tha shower nd then we gotta fine summin ta do foh today? might hang out with zack..=) dunno yet juss gotta wait foh a call...nd then idk might hang out wit jenna and carrie again, lol i really dunno whats goin on yet? well peaceee tha fuck out, dunno goin to watch tv or summin?
SUMMER OF 2005 BITCHES!!! ;) =)
Everythings Okay. .
In A Fucked Up Kinda Way