May 26, 2005 16:27
its so fucked up!
-fucken rumors
-shit talkers
-fake people
-pretty much all people in general until you can show me different
^alll that shit is fucken retarded..i HATE it foh realll =/ >:0
so much fucken drama and rumors and juss shit goin round now its fucked up thats all i gotta say. i try nd stay outta that shit buh somehow i always get involved with why cant people just be straight up bout shit nd not have ta lie? ohhh well your choice juss dun get me involved with your shit. buh of course if you gonna say nething bout one of my friends then thats a diff story...i got my girls backs they tha only true people i can trust, fuck everyone else who dun like i cood care less chance are i dont like you either so ohh well. im me nd if you gotta problem with that...hmm too bad! im not changen who i am just so people will like me