May 08, 2005 21:55
wow dunno nemore..buh yeah im tryen ta do better in school not as if i wasnt befoh buh my parents "expect better out of me" yeahhh okay i aint no fucken smart ass person like they wish i am...they juss gotta accept that sumtimes
buh yeah yesterday went ta amys chilled there ferdinand arii and mandi came over since her parents went up north foh the niight -- helll yeahhh house to ourselves =) hehe buh yeah juss chilled there wit em nd then mandi left ta daves nd arii's mom came nd picked her up so then it was juss me ferd and amy then amys bro came home wit some people nd then ferd left so me nd amy were juss chillen up stairs...watched tv foh a few nd passed out =) haha
Fuck Buddiesz* i promise ;) =) hehe ilu -- cant waittt
holyyy fuck i never wanted summer to come this bad!!! =( i needs ta hurry up nd be done wit school foh real im sick of it! >=o
buh yeah im out...good night everyone =)