Jan 24, 2005 16:36
Okayy..So Me and Tiffani go to Ryans house at like 1 in the morning and we almost got stolen when we were by the Palace by theese people in a white van..Whoo we were scared and I ( bein the thinker i am ) was like " Tiffani lets hide in the snow hills".. lol so there we are in the boonies of snow then we decide "Hey why dont we cross the street and run?" lol so we did and we BOLTED lol..Then TIffani's hands started hurting cause they were freezing cold so i gave her my socks to put on them to keep them a little warmer lol So here we are freezeing walking to Ryans then we get there and i knock on his window and Tiffani is like " Hey theres a note on the door" lol so we look at the note and it says go downstairs so we go down there and the losers ( Ryan Somekid Mary and TIffany ) are watching Nepolian Dynamite (sp) which is a great movie.. So we all sit down get comfy and my dumb ass decides to drink and not just drink but to down it like no other..and its all down hil form there cause not only do i remember nothing but i puked and did something im not proud of (lmao)!! Umm then i had to take " The Walk of Shame " back to Tiffanys house the next morning..! LOL. So i showered went to bed at like 6 am.. Then i wake up and my moms talking to Tiffays mom.. Then my moms like "Hey you gotta go with me to a funeral" So im like okayy and i get some sweats on and go with my mom..So we are atthe funeral for my "Step Grandmas Dad" and i get sick and all hung over..so my mom takes me home and i sleep.Then i awake at like 7:30 pm and my parents and my brothers are gone so i call my dads friend and both my mom and dad are there and i could tell through the phone they were both drunk of their asses.. So im like "well mom can i go to TIffany's for the night" and she says "I dont care , Go ahead".. So I wait and my dad gets home hes like well watch your brothers casue im gunna go get your mom cause she cant drive and wehn i come back i promise ill drive you there.. so i wait..and wait.. and wait.. and they finally come home and my dad like "NO" and went crazy..then my mom goes crazy on me and ii was NOT a good night at all..there was tears and sadness and just bad stuff.. so i get online and tell tiffany what happened and shes like well you cant stay there so her and Katii walk there asses all the way over here to come get me at like 12:30 am and i sneek out to Katii's house for the night, leave my parents a note, we eat soup,fries and hash-browns..lmao..and we had this big plan to get up for school.. yeahh we didnt cause their gay asses..! lol jp lovve you guys..! Yeahh so that was my weekend pretty crazy..!-Well im out..
<3 Alycia