My mom is all freakin' out about me going to the show tonight. Not only is the Good Charlotte show fiasco still fresh in her mind, but I guess the weather is supposed to turn shitty tonight. That really sucks because it's been like, 40 or 50 degrees the past couple days and it's been lovely. Anyways, she just emailed me and said, "How would you feel about taking a limo to the show?" Haha! That would RULE!! I remember I took a limo to my very first concert, which was No Doubt at the World Music Theater. Damn, my mom wants to hook it up! It would be funny to go up to the boys in Mest and say, "Hey guys...if you wanna have some fun, we can hop in my LIMO." Haha! I'm a P.I.M.P. Aw man, that would be great.
So here's the agenda for today:
#01 - take a shower DONE!
#02 - get dressed + head out to work to
pick up my paycheck
#03 - cash paycheck + pick up some clear
elmer's glue so i can spike my hair up real good tonight
#04 - maybe go to the mall if i have some time
#05 - come home + get ready for the show
Well, since I'm a horrible judge of time, I guess I better hurry up and get ready now. I'm only on #01! Wish me luck tonight, I'm sure it'll be fun even if I'm there by myself.
LATER EDIT; Oh my GOD everyone is running around with their fucking head cut off!!! Called my dad, wasn't picking up. Chuck called, then Dad called on the other line, then Mom called on the other line. Called Dad, then Mom called on the other line. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!! So my dad probably can't take me with his car but my mom suggested that he drive my car. So whatever, I don't know, I fucking swear to god, this is stressful!!!!!!! I wish Chuck would take me but I'm not gonna ask him.