Feb 25, 2005 00:45
[The Basics]
Full name: aimee lynn whynot
Date of birth: 01~14~88
Gender: female
Location: randolph
Ethnicity: white
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Reason for taking survey: cuz I can
[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: oh there are a few...
If you could come from any country that wasn't your own, what would it be: I don’t freakin know
Do you drink: not usually
Do you smoke: hell no
If so, when did you start smoking: never.
If any, what drugs have you done: ...
Living arrangements: (as of right now) con mi madre
Siblings: younger sister, lace
Do you like your school: eeehhh sumdays
What is your favorite class: hhuumm...spanish
What is your least favorite: history
What genre of movie do you prefer: whatever is on HBO I would die w/o those channels
Are you a gamer: aimee..video games...yeah ok but I am the greatest at pacman
If so, what games do you play: .....
What music genre do you listen to the most: whatever is on mtv hits or the radio station I have on
Name some bands/artists you like: ....that’s a long list
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist, which one would you choose: hhuummmm...good question
Are you into self categorization? If so, what would you call yourself: my-fuckin-self
Time of the year: SUMMER
Friend: all of them..how can you pick favorites
Family member: mom or grammy
Animal: animals suck! JUST KIDDING!!I don’t know
Sweet food: candy, cookies....any dessert
Savoury food: I have no idea
Spicy food: OMG that rice is so freakin good….i don’t remember what its called
Country: who cares
Colour: pink or purple
Sitcom: ..no idea
Cartoon: ..I watch cartoons?
TV channel: HBO, MTV hits,and w/e channel csi or law and order is on
Pastime: being a kid
Drug: pain killers
Romance movie:...don’t know
Sci-fi movie: eewwww
Action movie: I’ve seen so many
Historical drama movie:...no idea
Horror movie: seen a lot...(I love HBO)
Music genre: anything not country or techno for the most part
Magazine: uumm???
Games console: playstation 2...probably
Website: don’t have one
Swear word: most of them
Ice-cream flavor: pepermint stick or black raspberry
Clothing brand, if any: don’t have one…w/e feels comfy
Store: filenes, aeropostale, weathervane...a lot more
Place to relax: couch, bed, friend’s house
Place to shop: Mall
Place to party: halls, friends house
[Beliefs & Opinions]
The War on Terror: aahhh no….not the best thing I’ve heard of
Abortion: personally, I would never unless I was raped, that’s so sad
Capital Punishment: depends
Music/Movie Piracy: hey w/e floats your boat
Communism: NO
Child Abuse: FUCK THAT NO!!! you should be killed if you abuse a child
Rape: wow!! Great question...HELL NO!!! that’s fucked up!!!!!
Taxes: taxes are a waste of time
Christmas: its good I guess
Smoking: eeewww!!!!
Censorship: ….whats the point
Libertarianism: yeah ok sure
Racism in general: not so much...one of the dumbest things ever
Feminism: good!
Do you celebrate Christmas: yup
What is your religion: ..don’t really have one
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: no
Are you a vegetarian: yeah ok..NO
[For the Older Kids, Sex!]
what about it??...eehhh I guess its alright…you should wait for the perfect person and time (yeah good luck with that) but if you don’t it kinda sucks…but its not good to be a slut but, do you w/e floats your boat
[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: yesm :) mikey love you!!!
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: so excited and happy..can I just say it’s about mother eff-in time
Are you, or have you ever been in love: I think that love is a very highly over used word but, I LOVE YOU MIKEY!!!
What's your sexual orientation: duh gotta love the boys especially…..mikey
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: oh I plan too
Do you believe in soul-mates: suuuure
Do you think long-distance love is possible: it’s tough, not seeing each other as often as you want, and you have to have a lot of trust and hopefully it works
Could you see yourself being unfaithful:..NO
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: muscles or facial features
Biggest turn-ons: sense of humor, great personality, good looks (muscles are good)
Biggest turn-off: rude people, smokers, people who are extra conceded and really really loud
Taller or shorter than you: taller…obviously
Ever broken someone's heart: yesm
Has someone ever broken yours: not so much.
Do/would you have children: do I: no would I: most def
Any relationship beliefs (such as Gorean philosophy, etc): ahhh NO
[Your Bad Side]
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: no
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: sometimes, its not very nice to though
Have you lied to your parents: of course
Do you get jealous easily: I don’t think so
Do you have a bad temper: yeah
Have you ever made someone cry: yesm
Ever physically hurt someone: uh huh
Do you consider yourself racist: no….ever seen my friends and school??
Must you always seek vengeance: huummm…depends
[This or That]
Alcohol or Marijuanna: neither...but if you gotta choose alcohol
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: pepsi def
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: depends….home with someone special or wild night out with the girl having fun
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: intelligent
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: fly
Hearing or seeing: seeing….you can read and write when you see
Depression or anxiety: NEITHER
Immortality without the ability to die, or mortality: why would you want to live forever??
Death by freezing, or burning: NEITHER
To enslave or to be enslaved: what kinda question??...
[The Last]
Person you talked to: kell
Person you argued with: kwame
Person you hugged: kell
Person you kissed: mikey *sighs* love you
Person you texted: zina
Phone call: kell
Thing you ate: chocolate
Thing you drank: water
Time you showered: this morning
Time you told someone you loved them: few seconds ago when I was talkin to mikey
Time someone said they loved you: see above
Time you laughed: a few minutes ago when I was watchin tv with mom
Time you vomited: eeww….i don’t even know
TV show you watched: CSI
Song you listened to: frankie j feat baby bash~ obsession (no es amor).
Movie you watched: what a girl wants (for the 1 millionth time)..gotta love HBO
Time you got drunk: a while ago
Party you went to: it’s a party everwhere I go..haha jk jk…around christmas time? mayb
Item of clothing you bought: underwear….gotta love it
Person you slept with: I slept with kell the other night ;) and mikey too lol hahaha oh wow!
[Have You Ever Been Called]
Bitch: yea..but I can be one..get over it
Bastard: ...don’t think so..mayb though
Beautiful: yesm *sigh*
Talented: in a sarcastic way yea
A waste of space: NO..
Liar: yea
Geek: yea
Nerd: yea g~wizz cuz you so smart! Haha kell had to add that in there)
Loser: yea thanks kell
Peculiar: yeah maybe
Intelligent: yesm
Skinny: yea,
Fat: haha yeah, NO..unless it was mom joking around
Pretty: yup
Preppy: aahh not so much
Goth: no
Emo: no.
Grunger: WTF?!?!....who says that?
Fiend: no
Innovative: don think so
Weirdo: yeah
Stupid: yea meanies
Retarded: yup a few hours ago (thanks brendon)
Annoying: ..it happens
Freak: yea
Brat: of course
Cute: yesm
Interesting: haha yeah
Boring: not that I remember
Slut: yea
Whore: yea
Skank: NO
Asshole: yea maybe
Ugly: not that I remember..but mikey if you ever call me oogly I won’t talk to you again
Disgusting: no
[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: spend it...or give it away
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: I guess so
What's the best thing somebody has ever said about you: 75% of what mikey says to me, “i swear you make me like the happiest person ever, like on a scale of 1-10 im a 59047350”…yes I had to quote you..you’re so cute
What do you think of South Park: kinda dumb…I don’t watch it
Do you like candles: yesm
Do you think emo people are idiots: no
Do you think goths are idiots: no
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: no but obviously they must be really bored..but who would ever do sumthing like that……
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: uumm no
Describe your mother: she is the best, she is wicked funny and like my bestfriend we get along well and have a lot of fun and inside jokes when we are together
What's one thing you would change about your body: who cares..cuz it’s not happening
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children:...that’s mean!..i don’t really know
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death: kill someone else, doing something really dumb,..yea there are a few more things
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: hhuumm...presents and really cute cards for no reason
Have you ever skydived: haha no and pobably never will
List three things you want to do before you die: have a good time, be happy, be sucessful
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself. Who would you save: I have no idea
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: ...no comment
If you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be: *sigh* *sigh*….take a guess
Are you bored of this survey yet: eehh kinda
What’s the meaning of life? Have fun, be happy, make mistakes learn from them, things aren’t always gonna be they way you want them to be, don’t take things for granted..yea im sure there is much more I haven’t learned yet