Aug 26, 2005 04:25
Well monday was the Regina booksale...i hung around with people until it was my turn to buy my books
and i really dont remember what i did after lol
tuesday i started was just for the freshmen n was okay..n then we got out early at 1:40 n it was my Daddys bday!! :)
wenesday we didnt have school because it was just for juniors n seniors that day..which was sweet
so i just laid in the sun, went out to lunch w. my mom, then went to tennis practice & got my school supplies
thursday i had school again..then i went to practice afterwards again..then i came home n got ready to go to the Cousino football game with courtney tonight!! I <3 my courtney ann :) im missing the DLS football game but thats alright there will be more
schools been going okay...its pretty boring so far but atleast i get to see allison jackie KP n bianca everyday again
yeahhh well i'll update after the weekend
leave the love && comments :) ♥