Mar 12, 2005 17:20
today was ok i was going to get a spray tan today but i couldnt b/c nothing was opened and we had to have an appointment. tear*tear*. but i pretty much talked on the phone all day. and layed out in the sun but it didnt help at all. lol. but i was talking to dustin on the phone and like april got on the other end of the phone line and like wouldnt get off and it was like making me really really mad and she pretty much ruined everything! what if he like never talks to me again b/c it was sucha lame conversation. she is so freakin mean to me but w/e i dont care. i like really wanted to go to the skatepark today but that never happened. b/c of my gay parents that doesnt let me like go newhere. gosh! but o well i think ill juss like go some other time. post later
xO ashtin