It's time for a change

Feb 14, 2008 22:25

9:29 PM - It’s time for a change
Current mood: satisfied
Category: Life

Hey to anyone who takes the time to read what I'm about to write. I have had alot of time to sit and think lately. I haven't had such a good week. I have lose my will to learn which really isn't like me and I have lost my will to do anything productive...I had decided in these past few days I'm gonna make some except a different Jill when u see her. A Different SweetHart when she pops up on myspace...and except a little bit of Marilyn Maddox to come through. since she is my alter ego she is the one I liked to be more like...why you may ask because she is strong, smart and so talented at everything. Jill is simply more sane than her and thinks about Stuff which is good...I'm a Gemini which means I have too side....A Good One-Jill and a Bad one-Marilyn Maddox....SweetHart is the best of both worlds so...haha....anyways....I've been thinking of all the thing i want in life and i've decide i';m gonna do them....and i actually posted a blog the other day about my name SweetHart and someone hacked my Myspace and deleted I'm guessing whoever hates Marilyn Monroe and Owen Hart did it...because that is what it was mainly based on how exactly I came up with that name so...anyways I have heard alot of thing lately and alot of question being asked so here are the answers

Why do you look up to Dead people?
Well Marilyn Monroe and Owen Hart are dead...R.I.P. but I don't just look up to them...I also look up to my Mother and My Aunt who are 2 of the strongest women ever they have been throught so much but they can still make a joke about it...I love them so much and they inspire me to do better in life and to make a life for myself and not depend on a man...which is what I plan on doing...I also look up to Mickie James...who is one of the greatest Women's Wrestlers ever..She inspires me aswell to become a wrestler because if she can go from being homeless to being one of the Greatest WWE Women's Championship ever...I sure as hell can do it. speaking of the Beautiful Mickie somethings feel as if some people want me to Hate her so they can Hate me...if might be all in my mind but i dunno...I Love Mickie James and there is nothing that anyone can say or do to ever make me Hate her. ok back to the Dead....When I was little I saw a Marilyn Monroe movie...and I was like wow she is beautiful when i grow up i wannt be just like her...and as I've grown up i have learnt more about her...An I have realised she went throught so much to make it where she got to and she is a great women is why i look up to her I could go on and one about her but i'm not going to right now... Owen Hart....I fell in Love with him when i was little i thought he was the greatest thing ever...which he still is...I always wanted to marry him and everything...He is the reason why I got into wrestling and why I want to be a wrestling...Which is why I look up to to anyone who ever wanted to know this is why....I have reason to look up to them it's not just for the hell of it....I will always look up to these people no matter yeah...

Next Question

What do you want to be a Suicide Girl?
I have been told everything and thought everything...I've heard that I'm a slut because i want to be one...well that's what you think...I happen to think The Suicide Girls are some of the most unique Beautfiul Girls on the planet....they are punk emo girls who want to express themselves by getting naked...and i'm all for naked i'm not a lesbian i just think so girl are probably with that...I'm a big girl and I love my body and the suicide girls help to jump start any career so with me hopefully becoming one of them I can make it to bigger things....not that Suicide Girls isn't a big thing cause it is.....I'm jsut saying...I'd love to be one of them.

I get people telling me i've changed and that is true...I have changed for the Better...I use to be in the drugs bad and I did some thing I'm not proud of but I've learnt from my mistake and i've grown from them...I want to be Different not stuck in a crown of people who look exactly the same....which is why I dye my hair crazy colors and i have my monroe to be different....I'm gonna make some changes...

I hate when people tell me How pretty my hair is I know it's pretty and i love my hair and everything but after a while you get sick of hearing when i started to dye it someone said Why did she put the ugly red in her beautiful hair....that's why because I want to be different a stand of and being crazy and everything know....In the next 2 weeks I'm gonna Cut my Hair and Dye it....why because it's what i want to do because I hate being a stereotype....

A Girl with Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes and Big Boobs....sometimes I think that's all anyone really see and I'm sick of it so... yea....I think it's seriously time for a change....I';m gonna do what makes me happy and no one else....welll ii do love other people and i will contiune to think of them but I'm talking about me wise i'm not gonna worry bout anything anyone else says....I'm sick of trying to make others happy i'm gonna start making my self with all that being said.... I'll leave you with this.

You may Love or You may Hate but either way I'm just going 2BME!....


my life

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