read this....youll find out everything.

Jul 10, 2004 13:30

[gEt to knOe me, tHe real mE]
Name.:: Samantha
hometown.:: chelsea
birthday.:: 1/5/1990
Zodiac Sign.:: capricorn
age.:: 14
shoe size.:: 8
skinny or fat.:: skinny
height.:: 5'4
eye color.:: blue
hair color.:: blonde
braces.:: yes
glasses.:: contacts
outgoing or shy.:: outgoing
dork or nerd.:: neither?
[my pHerndz]
smartest.:: hmm jessica(lol)
dorky.:: meredith haha
tallest.:: garrick
funniest.:: hmm me and Amber
cutest.:: hmm my crush i guess
loud.:: jessica
girly.:: meredith....
band geek.:: me and jessica now hahaha
cheerleader.:: no dance team
stupid.:: me or amber
shortest.:: ashley whitehurst
coolest.:: everybody
dependable.:: amber and momo and jessica and ashley
responsible.:: soo not me but id have to say matt ha
caring.:: everyone
best singer.:: me ofcourse ha (walter)
loves soccer.:: kelly and adair
luvs football.:: joe brasher ha and big dave and brett
athletic.:: every single one of them
asian.:: eddie haha
black.:: jasmin and darryl
white.:: the rest of them that arent black?
hispanic.:: hmm none
virgin.:: yes
durgs.:: no i dont do DURGS haha
got high.:: nah
alcohol.:: dacary
drunk.:: nah
stole.:: hmmm?
shoplifted.:: nah
sex.:: nah
kids.:: nah
[mOre on phrEndz]
drama queen.:: soo meredith
annoying.:: amber mostly
fighter.:: hmm me and dana haha
on-line freak.:: oh all of us are
BEST girl friend.:: amber
Best guy friend.:: umm matt,mark,and stephen
da homie.:: hmm kelly haha
ms. ditzy.:: me and meredith
ms. hollywood.:: carlye and nikayla and leda ofcourse
bootylicious.:: j essica haha
college.:: yeh
which one.:: AlAbAmA baby!!
kids.:: sure
marriage.:: yep yep
sleep around.:: no no
see da world.:: yeh thats on my to do list
house.:: ofcourse
france or italy.:: france
canada or new york.:: new york
england or china.:: china
japan or vietnam.:: japan
germany or russia.:: russia
brazil or africa.:: brazil
california or arizona.:: california
washington or ohio.:: ohio
south or north dakot.a:: idk
north or south carolina.:: idk
bush or kerry.:: neither
white or black.:: white
pink or blue.:: blue
yellow or orange.:: orange
slow or fast motion.:: slwo motion baby!
ashton kutcher or justin timberlake.:: ashton hm hm
dork or loser.:: sooo loser oh yeh
boyfriend.:: no but a crush
name.:: randy (yeh)
girlfriend.:: no
name.:: no
age.:: 14
brithday.:: 8/26 i think, i know its in august
[tHe last oF the laSt]
first ever kiss.:: matt?/ noo. i dk
hugged.:: andrew bradford haha
aim.:: wi dont use aim
phoned:: andrew
saw.:: hmm my brother?
cried.:: last night
kissed.:: well whenever i kissed randythats when?
thought was hot.:: jessica hahahaha
went to da mall.:: hmm at the beach lol
[moVing on sEe...not]
are you still bored.:: no i never was im just waiting for a call
tired of typing.:: nope used to it
color.:: blue
song.:: reason.......and cinderella (country song)
CD.:: yellowcard.
concert.:: well im about to go to kenny chesney
rap singer.:: usher
pop singer.:: beyonce ha
channel.:: 310 music videos
music station.:: 103.7....102.5.....104.7....107.7....101.9......
website.:: livejournal .com
word.:: frick
saying.:: what the frick ha
person.:: friends,crush,family,jesus...
movie.:: a walk to remember ooh so very much
video game.:: hmm dance dance somethin?
computer game.:: dont have one
season.:: summer
fast food.:: mcdonalds and taco bell haha (nicole)
restaraunt.:: many many
store.:: i have many
ice cream flavor.:: vanilla
car.:: hmm dump truck ha
shoe brand.:: ?? dont kno??
starbucks drink.:: coffee?
[okaE...time tO finish]
did i makeyou think.:: well dir
wonder.:: yep
smile.:: no not really
do your fingers hurt.:: no
eyes hurt.:: no
are you gald to be done.:: yeh but that call i was waiting for hasnt happened yet...
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