Feb 19, 2005 17:34
wow i just drove around with my dad for literally 2 hours straight and i am soo tired- driving really poops me out- haha anyway
this morning 9-1 i had what im guess was my last PSAT - sorta scary, but it sucked major because i had one during school yesterday so 2 days in a row taking a 4 hour test sucked- so anyway i had my alarm set for 7:00 but of course ended up sleeping until 8:30 when i had to be in katonah for 9- big disaster
my parents picked me up after then we went to the diner and whatever then just came home and i went driving with my dad . yesterday after the test in school me lauren and coll left 8th period and went to lunch- then we went back to colls house which was crazzy because we were going insaneeoo hah and then i came home and had to babysit- i made 50 dollars.. yayy
umm so yeah i dont remember what else i haven't updated in awhile but i guess i haven't really done anything important- i deff wanna go out tonight so call me if you wanna do something- i cant be bored this entire brak
xox raquelle
quote of the day:
when girls are quiet millions of thoughts are running through their heads.
when girls are not arguing they are thinking deeply.
when girls look staringly at you they're wondering how long you'll be around.
when girls answer im fine after a few seconds..they're not.
when girls say i love you,they mean it.
when girls say i miss you::
no one in this world could miss you more than them